December 16, 2010

News No. 6 - Ashura - Iran - Dec. 16, 2010

Tehran 11:30 to 12:30 pm People in Janat Abad and Tehransar are chanting death to dictator. There have been clashes in this area and a number of people have been arrested. People chant louder when people are arrested.

News No. 7 - Ashura - Iran - Dec. 16, 2010

Tehran A group of about 200 to 300 people are moving towards Enqelab Square chanting ‘death to dictator’ and ‘Abbas (brother of Imam hossein who was killed by Yazid) remove the dictator’.

Important No.8 - News - Ashura - Dec. 16, 2010

Tehran Enqelab Street 1:30 pm Two young men were arrested in Enqelab Street. They were handcuffed and taken to a police car. There are only security forces in Enqelab Street. From Azadi Street to Imam Hossein Square, security forces have been stationed in very high numbers and strict security measures have been enforced.

Important No.9 - News - Ashura - Dec. 16, 2010

Rasht Golsar region Mourning groups chanted ‘Ya Hossein’ and ‘we will never surrender’. Security forces are trying to disperse the mourners.

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