May 29, 2010


Majid Tavakoli

Jailed student activists critical condition after going on dry hunger strikes
May 28, 2010 - Student activist Majid Tavakoli who is in his 7th day of hunger strike is in poor condition. According to reports, Tavakoli who was suffering from a kidney illness, is in critical condition and is not able to speak right now. He is also suffering from a stomach hemorrhage. His family is worrying about his condition. His brother, Ali Tavakoli, wrote a letter to Mr. Ban Ki Mon, explaining Majid's condition and requesting for help. Please read the below letter which has been written by Ali Tavakoli:
Picture: Majid Tavakoli

Dear Mr. Ban Ki Mon,

Hello, we are the family of Majid Tavakoli and need your help to prevent the death of our son who is on his sixth day of dry hunger strike in protest to the Iranian regime’s crimes against him in prison. Please help us in any way you can because our son is in very critical condition and on the verge of death.
Our mother, (Majid’s mother) has also gone on a dry hunger along with her son and is also in very poor condition. Please take note of the below issues:
Majid Tavakoli, son of Feizollah Tavakoli was arrested on December 7, 2009 outside his university and after being tried in the 15th branch of the Revolutionary Court by Judge Salavati, was sentenced to 8 years and six months of prison, a 5 year ban on his political activities and a 5 year ban on leaving the country on charges of assembling and conspiring with the intention of acting against national security, propagandist activities against the government, and insulting the leader and president.
They kept him in a solitary cell for about 4 months. This is while according to the Islamic Republic’s Bylaw of Citizens’Rights, keeping an offender in a solitary cell for more than a week to 10 days is illegal.
Majid has been deprived of the minimum rights of a prisoner while in solitary such as being allowed to go in the fresh air, the right to make phone calls, and the right to have family visits.
He has been barred from having access to and visiting his lawyer during his detention and five months after his sentence was issued by the judge. It is worth noting that his lawyer was not even allowed inside the judicial building to pursue or even review his case!
Majid Tavakoli was transferred to the public cellblock (cellblock 7, hall 3) in Evin Prison on May 21, 2010 and was allowed to call his family.
But on May 23 he was once again thrown in solitary and as his family, we are not aware of the conditions behind his transfer. Majid went on a dry hunger strike (refusing to consume both food and water) on May 23 in protest to being transferred to solitary again and on May 27 we were notified that he is in critical condition and is suffering from a stomach hemorrhage. His lung illness which he acquired from his long detention in solitary has also deteriorated resulting in speech loss,and he still has not been transferred to the infirmary.
Majid Tavakoli’s mother went on a hunger strike in solidarity with her son and because no official in Iran is willing to answer or support Majid.
In the end, we request that you look into this issue urgently and send representatives to see to Majid Tavakoli’s condition and the violation of his rights as a prisoner.

Thank you,
The Tavakoli family – May 28, 2010


اقدام سريع براي نجات جان زنداني سياسي مجيــد توكلي

نامه ي علي توكلي ، برادر مجيد به دبيركل سازمان ملل براي اقدام سريع جهت نجات جان مجيد توكلي ...

به : دبيركل سازمان ملل, كميسرعالي حقوق بشر,گزارشگران ويژه دستگيريهاي خودسرانه وشكنجه ملل متحدوعموم سازمانهاي بين المللي مدافع حقوق بشر

آقاي بان كي مون ، با سلام
ما خانواده مجيد توكلي دست كمك بسوي شما دراز كرده ايم تا بلكه بتوانيم بهر صورتي كه امكانش براي شما هست از كشته شدن فرزندمان كه 6 روز دراعتراض به جنايتهايي كه رژيم ايران بر سر او و زندانيان ديگر درآورده دراعتصاب غذاي خشك بسر مي برد و حالش بشدت وخيم است و فاصله اي با مرگ ندارد ، جلوگيري كنيد . مادرمان نيز درهمراهي با مجيد ، اعتصاب غذاي خشك كرده و او هم حالش بشدت وخيم است . لطفا به آنچه در زير نوشته ايم توجه كنيد :
مجيد توکلي فرزند فيض الله در تاريخ 16 آذر سال 1388 و در برابر دانشگاه محل تحصيل خود بازداشت گرديد و پس از طي مراحل دادرسي توسط شعبه 15 دادگاه انقلاب به رياست قاضي صلواتي، به اتهام اجتماع و تباني به قصد اقدام عليه امنيت ملي، فعاليت تبليغي عليه نظام، توهين به رهبري و توهين به رييس‌جمهور در مجموع به هشت سال و شش ماه حبس تعزيري و 5 سال محروميت از هرگونه فعاليت سياسي و 5 سال ممنوعيت خروج از کشورمحکوم گرديد.
مجيد را به مدت تقريبا چهار ماه در سلول انفرادي نگاه داشته اند. در حالي که مطابق آيين نامه حقوق شهروندي جمهوري اسلامي نگهداري متهم در سلول انفرادي بيش از يک هفته تا ده روز برخلاف قانون است.
مجيد در تمام طول مدت انفرادي از اوليه ترين حقوق زنداني چون حق استفاده از هواي آزاد(هواخوري)، حق تماس تلفني و ملاقات با خانواده محروم بوده است.
مجيد در تمام مدت بازداشت و تا همين لحظه که تقريبا پنج ماه است از صدور حکم قاضي گذشته است، از حق دسترسي و ملاقات با وکيل محروم بوده است.لازم به ذکر است که وکيل براي پرس و جو در مورد وضعيت متهم و احيانا مطالعه پرونده وي حتي اجازه ورود به ساختمان قوه قضائيه را نداشته است!
مجيد توکلي در تاريخ 31 ارديبهشت 1389 به بند عمومي (اندرزگاه 7 سالن 3) منتقل شد و اجازه تماس با خانواده خود را پيدا کرد.
ولي مجددا مجيد را در تاريخ 2 خرداد 1389 به انفرادي منتقل کرده اند و دليلش هم براي ما که خانواده او هستيم نا معلوم مي باشد، لازم به ذکر است مجيد از 2 خرداد به دليل انتقال مجدد به انفرادي دست به اعتصاب غذاي خشک زده است ( آب وغذا نمي خورد) و در روز 6 خرداد به ما خبر دادند که وضعيت جسمي مجيد وخيم مي باشد و دچار خون ريزي معده گشته و به علت بيماري که در زمان نگهداري طولاني مدت در انفرادي دچار مشکلات ريوي شده بود باعث حاد شدن او گشته است و قدرت تکلم خود را نيز از دست داده است. وتا ارسال اين نامه از انتقال او به بهداري خبري نيست
مادر مجيد توکلي هم از روز سوم خرداد براي همدردي با مجيد و به دليل اينکه در ايران هيچ مسئولي حاضربه جواب گويي و دادخواهي مجيد نمي باشد دست به اعتصاب زده است
در پايان خواهان رسيدگي سريع و اعزام بازرسين براي بررسي وضعيت مجيد توکلي و نقض حقوق قانوني او به عنوان يک زنداني مي باشيم.
با تشکر
خانواده توکلي– 7/3/

Students Committee in Iran (Supporters of PMOI)

May 28, 2010

Suppression under the name of improper veil & chastity in Iran- May 2010

UPDATE ON IRAN - No. 614- May 28, 2010

The Beginning of the End of the Clerical Rule in Iran

Uprising of June 10-20

Cry of Allah O Akbar fills Tehran’s sky
Tehran, May 26, 2010
On Tuesday May 25 cries of Allah O Akbar in Topkhaneh and Gisha regions filled the sky of Terhan.

Youths clashed with Bassijies 
Tehran, May 27, 2010
Youths in Sohrevardi St. in Tehran stood up Bassijies who harassed them and wanted to disperse them on excuse of ‘confronting those who bother women’.

Five including a woman hanged in Rasht
Rasht, May 27, 2010
The anti-human regime hanged five including a woman in Rasht. These executions were held on Monday May 24 at the back of the building of Rasht prison’s medical section.
These hangings are executed with the purpose of provoking fear and horror in the society at the wake of the anniversary of the nationwide Uprising.
Though several days have past from the hanging regime’s Judiciary fears to announce the names in public media in fear of people’s wrath.  It fears nationwide wrath and protest.

17 students arrested
Kerman, May 26, 2010
In fear of students’ protest against Ahmadinejad’s visit of Kerman in the morning of his entrance to the city 17 students of Kerman University were arrested.
They have been transferred by security forces to unknown locations and there is no news of them.

Hanging in Zahedan
Zahedan, May 26, 2010
Jamshid Mir arrested in Farvardin (March 21- April 20) of 2010 was hanged in the central prison of Zahedan.
At the wake of another uprising in June the religious fascism has drastically increased the number of executions to provoke climate of fear and terror.

Suppression beyond imagination
Shiraz, May 26, 2010
Regime’s mercenaries in University of Medical Science in Shiraz have issued new disciplinary regulations.
By these regulations laughing with loud voice, discussing and joking is banned in the campus.
This is the first time that such regulations have been issued.
Other things prohibited by these regulations are: boys should not were T-Shirts, girls should not were Manteaus with bright colors, the nails should not be long, shoes should not be sharp in tip and their heels must not be longer than 3 centimeters.
In chapter 6 of these regulations titled ‘manner’ it has prohibited laughing with loud voice, joking and teasing and discussions in lifts, Coffee Shops and...
In the last chapter the students are threatened that if they violate these regulations they will be summoned to the suppressive Disciplinary Committee.

Increasing pressure on people of Kurdistan
Kurdistan, May 26, 2010
Following the strike and protest of residents of Kurdish cities in protest against the execution of 5 political prisoners in Evin Prison, regime’s suppressive forces are harassing the residents.
During the last few days they have detained some of the shopkeepers in Mahabad and after bothering them have freed them on bail.
These shopkeepers were asked to give obligation that they will not close their shop for any reason any more but they didn’t yield to this bullying.

The Downfall

Bahonar is omitted
Tehran, May 27, 2010
Ahmadi Beeqhash a member of Security Commission in regime’s reactionary parliament said: “unfortunately Bahonar had not had stable positions about the events after the election and hasn’t balanced. Having the position of deputy of parliament he has met with Faeze Rafsanjani who is in direct connection with England.
Beeqhash added in his TV interview: “the one who claims that he follows the orders of the leader of the revolution (Khamenei) must not meet with Faeze Rafsanjani. The MPs cannot ignore that. We will vote that he is not suitable for this position anymore and in this way we answer him back”.


Sanandaj Bazaar’s strike has made the mullahs desperate
Sanandaj, May 26, 2010
The clerical regime has received a strong blow from the nationwide strike in Kurdish regions especially in Sanandaj in protest to the execution of 5 political prisoners on May 9 so it has intensified pressure on the shopkeepers.
It has threatened them that if they repeat the strike their shops will be sealed.

Students threaten to boycott the exams and do on general hunger strike
Tehran, May 26, 2010
Students of Polytechnic (Amirkabir) University have threatened that they will boycott last term’s exams in protest to the pressure imposed on Majid Tavakoli arrested student of this university.
After Majid’s mother went on hunger strike because his son has gone on a hunger strike in protest to being transferred to solitary cells, the students of Amirkabir University threatened that they will boycott all end-term exams if Majid’s status doesn’t change.
Majid was transferred on Sunday May 23 to solitary cells because he wrote a letter discussing the current conditions of the country and protesting the execution of 5 political prisoners in May 9.
He is on dry hunger strike.
In another event students of Tehran University announced in a statement that if Majid is not freed they will all go on hunger strike and also boycott the exams.

Who are the murderers of Shabnam Sohrabi (Ashura Uprising)?
Tehran, May 26, 2010
Mother of Shabnam Sohrabi, 34 and intentionally run over several times by suppressive agents during Ashura Uprising, said that she is not permitted by criminal department of prosecutor’s office to file a complaint about Shabnam’s murder. She said that they don’t even permit her to enter the building.
The eyewitnesses that day describe the seen of her murder as: “SSF car hit Shanbam with high speed, and then it ran over her for several times until she was crushed under the wheels”.

Corpses are still in Kahrizak’s mortuary
Tehran, May 26, 2010
Body of 5 political prisoners executed on May 9 have not still be handed over to their families and are still kept in Kahrizak’s mortuary.
Farzad Kamangar’s mother has tried hard to see the body but she wasn’t permitted even a glimpse. None of the mothers have been able to say farewell to their beloveds.
The clerical regime fears that if the bodies are taken to Kurdistan great protests will rise or maybe they have been tortured so hard that regime doesn’t dare to show the bodies even for a glimpse.
When Farzad was in Kermanshah’s prison all his body was crushed, Shirin was savagely tortured for six months.
Farzad’s cousin, Tooba Kamangar said that during the three decades of the rule of this regime 19 of her relatives having Kamangar as their family name have been killed for having political activities.


Political prisoner in critical condition
Tehran, May 26, 2010
Hossein Ronaghi Maleki, blogger writer, student and a human rights activist, arrested in last January, while on hunger strike in protest for being left unattended for his critical physical conditions and his record legally was transferred to solitary cells. Maleki suffers from sever kidney problems and coughs very hard making him unable to talk properly.
He has been under pressure by interrogators to confess in regime’s TV shows.
He has been arrested for almost six months during which his family could only meet him twice.

Iran sentences student activist to 2 years of prison
May 26, 2010
Student activist Ali Salem was sentenced to 2 years of prison. This Amir Kabir University major degree student was jailed during the widespread arrest of student activist on December 3, 2007 and was later released on bail.

Jailed human rights activist thrown in solitary for refusing to ‘confess’ 
May 25, 2010 
Nasour Taqipour, a human rights activist who was arrested in March was once again thrown in a solitary cell.
According to reports, Taqipour was transferred to a solitary cell from a two person cell which he was recently been transferred to for refusing to give an interview in front of cameras.
This human rights activist and journalist has been jailed for close to three months even while his two month temporary detention order expired in May 1.

Iran official says it will not stop executions
May 26, 2010
The Secretary of Human Rights Staff of Iran, Larijani, said in a visit with the Australian Ambassador that ‘we do not endorse the issue of completely eradicating the death sentence’.
In a visit with the Norwegian Ambassador he said, “Human rights is not a western concept and the west cannot claim such a thing”.
“Human rights pertains to various cultures and civilizations and all civilizations and cultures have their own specific human rights values”, he stressed. (ISNA state-run News Agency)

 (Note: Human rights is a universal concept and the ‘Iranian culture’ does not endorse torture, rape in prisons, executions, amputations and thousands of other forms of human rights violations carried out under the Iranian regime.)

Two jailed student activists in critical condition after going on dry hunger strikes
May 27, 2010 - Student activist Majid Tavakoli and Hossein Ronaqi Maleki who are in their 5th day of hunger strike are in poor condition. According to reports, Tavakoli who was suffering from a kidney illness, is in critical condition and is not able to speak. He is also suffering from a stomach hemorrhage.
There is also no news on the condition of Hossein Ronaqi. His parents came to Tehran yesterday to pursue the case of their blogger son but were not able to get any information on his condition. There were reports on the third day of his hunger strike that he was in a very poor state to the extent that he was barely able to speak to his family over the phone and his family did not understand what he said in their short conversation.
Tavakoli was arrested on December 7, 2009 after a student day ceremony and was sentenced to 8 years of prison. Hossein Ronaqi was arrested on December 13, 2009 and was detained in cellblock 2A in Evin Prison.

Hunger striking jailed human rights activist taken to infirmary 
May 7, 2010 - Human rights activists Kohyar Goudarzi was taken to the Evin Prison infirmary after going on a hunger strike in his solitary cell.
Goudarzi who was expelled from the Sharif Industrial University and was arrested on December 20, 2009 was thrown in a solitary cell some time ago where he went on hunger strike. He is currently in the infirmary and is being given intravenous fluids.
 “I went to Evin Prison to visit my son today”, his mother, Parvin Mokhtara said in this regard.
“But officials did not let me see him and said that until he is solitary he is barred from visits”.
“He also stopped calling us from about 15 days ago and we are not aware of his current condition”, she added.
Goudarzi who is a member of the Committee of Human Rights Reporters was thrown in solitary in cellblock 240 after protesting to the head of cellblock 350 on May 20.

Elite student sentenced to 3 years of prison
May 27, 2010 - Arman Rezakhani, an IT engineering student, was sentenced to 3 years of prison by Judge Moqiseh in the 28th branch of the Revolutionary Court in Tehran.
He was sentenced to 2 years of prison on charges of ‘insulting the leader’, one year of prison on charges of ‘insulting the system’ and a 100,000 toman ($100) fine for ‘insulting the president’.
This elite 20 year old student was under torture and pressure in the first 40 days of his arrest in the RGC detention centers including the Kakhe Javanan (Youth Castle) and 2A detention centers where he was forced to make false confessions and was sent to Evin Prison on promises of being released.
Rezakhani was arrested on December 18, 2009 in Mirdamad Street in Tehran. He was jailed in cellblock 350 for three months and is currently in cellblock 7 Evin Prison.

Women under suppression

The suppressive plan of ‘veil and chastity’ has been issued by Khamenei
Tehran, May 25, 2010
Hamedani the head of Tehran’s RGC revealed that Khamenei has issued the order for the suppressive plan of ‘veil and chastity’ against the women of our homeland.
Fars news agency affiliated with RGC qouted Hamedani on May 25: “after some reports have been sent for the Leadership his honor told the officials at the beginning of 89 (Iranian New Year) that the issue of veil and chastity is something to be worried about. It is not suitable for our people and thank God the relative organs started their work”.
He also conceded that shops selling outfits are under pressure and added: “today presenting clothing for both women and men is not appropriate in a great number of shops. There are measures taken in that regard and they will be noticeable soon. A base has been established to follow the issue and the issue is under control in universities and bureaus. In some cases they had wore improper veiled dresses intentionally”. He claimed that these people had received money to wear as such to damage ‘the System’s values’.

Tehran’s SSF commander threatens women
Tehran, May 25, 2010
Sajedinia the head of Tehran’s SSF revealed that women wearing as he put it ‘improper veil’ will be tapped so that the case would be documentary in the court.
About this disgusting act he said: “every action taken will be documented.  The footage and the pictures will be put in the person’s record so that they cannot deny it in case they are presented to court”.
Sajedinia conceded that a great number of organs are involved in suppressing women and said: “these cultural issues have relative organs. There are 22 organs who should act about veil and chastity. SSF is one of them”.

Women will have uniforms 
Tehran, May 24, 2010
Ghasem Noodeh Farahani the head of Tehran’s Guild, Services and Distribution affairs’ Body said in his interview with state-run Mehr news agency that a plan is being discussed and when approved all women in ‘free businesses’ should wear uniform and Islamic veil

Increasing pressure on women
Rasht, May 26, 2010
Regime has increased pressure on women and youths of Rasht.
On last Thursday Bassijies gathered in front of Basic Sciences University there on the excuse that people have improper veil and then flooded into the city and arrested girls and boys to provoke a climate of fear and horror.

Disciplinary Committee suppresses female students
Gilan, May 24, 2010
Abdollah Hatamzadeh head of Gilan University said: “the Disciplinary Committee will act in regard with students with improper veil”. He called ‘improper veil’ as the ‘great plague of the society’.

A parliament just for women!
Tehran, May 25, 2010
Ahmadinejad’s advisor in women’s affairs, Maryam Mojtahedzadeh, said that the (misogynous) regime intends to establish an all female parliament but she said that the details will be disclosed on Women Day!
She claims as such while the number of female MPs in regime’s parliament has never been more than the number of our fingers.

A link of  film has been given for women suppression…

Workers of Iran

Workers on strike
Sirjan, May 26, 2010
In protest against the result of exams for their hiring workers of Gandelesazi Factory in Sirjan went on strike.
Regime’s elements had promised them that the priority is with those workers with practical experience but amongst the workers of the factory only 20 have been accepted and as a consequence many of them will be fired.

News of Iran’s Economy

Oil production decreased at least 300,000 barrels per day
Tehran, May 25, 2010
Following the sanctions and lack of investment in oil and gas, regime’s production of oil has reduced 300000 barrels on daily bases.
The sanctions have caused great oil companies such as Schell and Total to draw out of this industry in Iran. Though Chinese factories are replacing them put they haven’t progressed much yet.
At the beginning of the first term of Ahmadinejad the oil production was 4,200,000 barrels per day which has now reduced to 3,900,000.

Compulsory payment of commission
Tehran, May 25, 2010
Regime has recently announced that the commission for paying gas payments in person has increased five times. So if somebody wants to refer to a bank and pay for house-gas he or she must pay 500 tomans and if it is paid not in person the commission would be 100 tomans. May be at the first glance these are not much but if we multiply it in the number of payments we will see that in each cycle of payment the government sucks up a great amount of money.

Other News

Fake Education!
Tehran, May 25, 2010
In an investigation it was found out that the degree of Doctorate of Mohammad Reza Rahimi, Ahmadinejad’s deputy was fake. This was revealed by Kamran Daneshjoo the Minister of Science and Research in a session in presence of Ahmadinejad.
Rahimi misusing this fake degree became the head of Law Department of Azad University in Tehran in 2003.

Students Committee in Iran (Supporters of PMOI)

May 27, 2010

To honor the anniversary of the Uprising of Iranian nation against the religious fascism ruling Iran, Students Committee in Iran (ISC) is documenting these historical days. This video shows the uprising in different cities in Iran in June 2009

Challenging death supporters of PMOI distribute calls for uprising in June. May 25, 2010

After students of Islamshahr University clash with Bassijies 2000 Plainclother raid on the university, May 26, 2010.mpg

UPDATE ON IRAN - No. 613- May 27, 2010

The Beginning of the End of the Clerical Rule in Iran
Uprising of June 10-20

Cries of Allah O Akbar & death to Khamenei 
Tehran, May 25, 2010
At the wake of the anniversary of June Uprising residents of Yousefabad, Navab and Khosh regions cried Allah O Akbar and Death to Khamenei on their roof tops on Monday May 24.
In another event brave youths distributed leaflets calling to uprising on June 10-20 in Zarabkhane region north of regime’s Intelligence Ministry.
Nagarestans, Akhavan, Zomorodian, Second Bostan, Golzar, Rose, Jafari and Taheri were amongst the streets in which leaflets have been distributed.
Some sentences written on the leaflets read as: ‘Khordad (May 22- June 21) has come, regime’s life is over’, ‘Khordad is the month of struggle Khamenei shakes’ and ‘we’ll gather on June 10-20’.

Death to Khamenei at his election day
Tehran, May 26, 2010
Residents of Tehran intend to cry ‘death to Khamenei’ and ‘death to dictator’ on Friday June 4 the day Khamenei was so-called elected for leadership at ten pm on their roof tops.

Soccer match turns to a challenge for clerical regime
Tehran- May 25, 2010
At dusk of May 25, Monday, after the soccer match was over in Azadi Stadium the crowd chanted anti-regime slogans leaving the stadium. ‘You are nothing you are the enemy of this land’, ‘soccer match is an excuse it will be dreadfully uneasy in June’ and ‘death to dictator’ were amongst the slogans chanted.
Cars passing by honked their horns supporting the youths.
Some of the youths were arrested and taken into the stadium.
Suppressive forces of Especial Guards, SSF and Plainclothes were stationed full force inside and outside the stadium.
Plainclothes and intelligence agents having cameras taped faces of youths to provoke fear and horror.
More than 40 vehicles belonging to SSF and especial cars for transferring the detainees were stationed around.
Suppressive forces had vicious behavior towards the youths riding motorcycles.

Malayer’s criminal Friday Imam orders suppression of youths
Malayer, May 25, 2010
Malayer’s Firday Imam has ordered detention of youths on the excuse of improper veil. Reports from Malayer say that in the city youths (male) wearing T-shirts or short sleeve blouses are arrested. In Fakhr Street several arrests in that regard have been seen. The street is full of Suppressive force.

Mossavi and Karrobi retreat
Tehran, May 25, 2010
In a clear retread Mosavi and Karrobi yielded to Khamenei’s fraction again saying that if the answer to their demand for permission for a march in anniversary of the presidential election is negative they will just go on an informing campaign...
In the session with the presence of Mosavi and Karrobi it was emphasized that plainclothes attack offices and personalities with live ammunition and weapons such as knives: “these measures are organized ones. They are the continuation of Kahrizak and Tehran University dormitory’s event that are happening in another form today”.

Suppressive agents flood into the streets
Tehran, May 26, 2010
 A member of ISC reported that in Tehran on daily bases and especially in the afternoons a great number of suppressive Plaincloths patrol in the distance between Azadi and Enghelab Squares and around universities of Tehran and Sharif Industrial watching for any sign of a protesting act.

Tehran’s prosecutor begs in weakness
Tehran, May 24, 2010
During a desperate act Tehran Prosecutor and Evin Prison’s Judge of the time asked political prisoners in to groups of 100 to repent and write it done to be freed.
On Sunday May 23 about 100 political prisoners of ward 350 were taken to Abbas Jafari Dolatabadi Tehran’s prosecutor. He desperately asked them to write their repentance to be freed. The other 100 were taken the next night to the judge with the same scenario.
The political prisoners demanded unconditional freedom.

The Downfall

Mr. Montazeri’s daughter accuses Mosavi
Tehran, May 25, 2010
Jahan Site belonging to regime’s dominant fraction wrote: Saeedeh Montazeri, Mr. Montazeri’s daughter writes in her letter to Mr. Mosavi: “Why didn’t you criticize the executions at my father’s time (when Montazeri was appointed as Khomenie’s successor)”
Jahan Site wrote: “she continues by inviting Mosavi to repent from his sins and denounce the execution of Monafeghin (the name regime calls PMOI members) at the first years of the Revolution: this is the duty of all of us to think about our past and if we had committed a mistake to compensate for it. They must think about their past and criticize their acts before the history and the people of future do it...”
Meanwhile even some pro-Mosavi sites have questioned him about his role in the massacre of political prisoners in 1988.


A high rank intelligence agent killed
Bukan, May 25, 2010
Kurd News reported that Jamaledin Jamehri known as Haji Miri the head of Bukan’s Bureau of Habitations was killed. On Monday May 24 some unidentified persons riding motorcycles attacked him around 4th of Aban School and killed him.
Haji Miri was from Uroumieh and was one of the high rank elements of regime’s Intelligence and Security in Bukan.

We are weak
Sanandaj, May 24, 2010
Mahmood Allah Moradi the commander of Sanandaj RGC admitted that regime was weak in confronting one week of protest in the city and people’s act of closing bazaar in protest against the execution of 5 political prisoners on May 9 and said: “though during last two weeks some of Sanandaj shops closed because they had been threatened by anti revolution groups and their domestic deceived elements that if they don’t close their shops the shops will be torched but this doesn’t mean that residents of Kurdistan are separated from the System...”.

Clashes in Azad University- Islamshahr
Islamshahr, May 24, 2010
Brave students of Islamshahr’s Azad University prevented Mullah Rasaee a regime’s MP from Khamenei’s band to hold a speech. Students clashed with Bassijies and some Bassijies were transferred to hospital.
Plainclothes flooded horridly into the university and around 21.30 about 2000 plainclothes were stationed at the university stopping all passing cars and even harassing and beating the passengers. They didn’t let anybody pass.
The interesting point was that the Plainclothes were not unanimous and clashed verbally with each other.Film is available.

Science & Industry University protests expulsion of students
Tehran, May 24, 2010
Students of Science and Industry University started a protest on May 24 opposing the expulsion of four of the students.

Law Department on protest
Tehran, May 24, 2010
One day after the protest gathering of students of Technical Department of Azad University in Tehran, Central Unit, which sank into violence after the security forces attacked the students, the students of Law Department of this university rose in protest on May 24to support the students of Technical University.

Majid Tavakoli’s mother speaks

May 25, 2010
Mother of Majid Tavakoli arrested student of Amirkabir University expressed her fear of his son’s life and said:
“They have transferred Majid for unknown reasons to solitary confinement, so Majid has gone on hunger strike. My son resists but I am a mother and I cannot bear the pain my son is suffering.
She added: “... I have no other choice than asking for people’s help... Since Majid went on hunger strike I went on hunger strike too”.
She said that she wasn’t permitted a visit for 5 months.


Regime’s criminal prosecutor of Qazvin: amputate their hands

Qazvin, May 24, 2010
Regime’s criminal prosecutor in Qazvin, Mullah Sadeghi Niaraki said that the hands of thieves will be amputated.

Issuing decrees for 250 detainees of the uprising
Tehran, May 25, 2010
Regime’s criminal prosecutor of Tehran, Jafari Dolatabadi announced that decrees for 250 detainees of the uprising have been issued. He said that 50 of them will be imprisoned.
Dolatabadi conceded about pressures on the prisoners for repenting and said: “the prisoners can have ‘Islam’s kindness and forgiveness’ they should send the demand for pardon to the prosecutor’s office.

Prisoner brutally tortured and raped for protesting
May 25, 2010
 According to reports from Gohardasht Prison in Karaj prisoners who are mostly young are transferred to cellblock 1 known as the Doghouse for protesting and are subjected to brutal treatment by Hassan Akharian, the head of the Doghouse. They are tortured and their hands and legs are broken and according to reports, prisoners Saman Mohammadian and Mohsen Bigvand are currently hospitalized in the infirmary after being tortured.
One of the many prisoners who have been tortured in this way in the Doghouse is Bahram Tasviri. This 30-year-old prisoner has been jailed in an undetermined state for six years now. He was thrown in solitary for five days about 6 weeks ago after protesting insults by Yusefi, a prison official, against his family. Tasviri requested to call his family but prison officials refused. Akharian called his mother and told her that her son had passed away and his body is in the hospital for them to collect for burial. Tasviri’s mother had a heart attack and was hospitalized after hearing this news. Akharian then told Tasviri that his mother had been hospitalized. Tasviri asked to call his family and again he was denied the phone call. This is while his five days in solitary had ended and he was going into the seventh day. But prison officials refused to take him out of solitary. He then asked to see the prison warden but this request was refused as well. Finally to end the intolerable condition in which he was kept in he immolated himself. Prison guards stormed his cell and sprayed pepper gas in his eyes and beat him in the face and head with clubs.
Bahram Tasviri was taken to another cell used for torturing prisoners while his body was burned. He was shackled and blindfolded and tortured for a long time with clubs. His hands and feet broke as a result. Then he was stripped and sodomized with clubs by Mirza Aqayi, the officer in charge and two guards named Yusefi and Shirkhani. This defenseless prisoner passed out as a result of the torture and the guards splashed water in his face until he came to and repeated the sexual torture. All the tortures were carried out under the supervision of Hassan Akharian.
Bahram Tasviri was then taken back to the solitary cell. He was stripped and left without any covering or blankets on the cement floor of the cell which was dampened by prison guards. Tasviri was kept in this condition for one month with a broken hand and foot and while his body was injured, bruised and bloody. His feet became infected after a while and he went into a coma and prison guards were forced to take him to the infirmary. The infirmary at first refused to take him in because he was near death and did not want to take his responsibility. Finally Dr. Razavi took him in and after he became conscious, told prison officials that he needed an urgent surgery. But Akharian refused and threw him in solitary again until after two days, he was taken for an operation because of pressure from the infirmary.
The Tasviri family filed a suit against the crimes committed against their son in prison and Bahram Tasviri also filed a complaint to the prison inspection department. A person by the name of Reza Torabian has threatened him that if he does not take back his complaint, he would have to face the consequences and there is a chance that he would be killed in prison.
On Saturday and Sunday, Akharian beat Tasviri again in front of other prisoners with a baton for a long time trying to pressure him into taking back his complaint.
Other prisoners have the same situation and a number of them are still in solitary. They are Ahmad Ashkan, Reza Jalaleh, Majid Afshar, Mohsen Bigvand, Taqi Nazari, Mehdi Surani (his jaw broke as a result of the tortures and he is in solitary), Qeisar Ismaili, Majid Mahmoudi, Naser Quchanlou, Hossein Karimi, Hamid Ashki, Shir-Mohammad Mohammadi and Hassan Sharifi who has been kept in solitary for six months for no reason and is tortured on a daily basis.

Jailed student activist expelled from Bu-Ali Sina University
May 25, 2010
The expulsion sentence for Mohammad Sayadi, a jailed student and the former political secretary of the Islamic Association in Bu-Ali Sina University in Hamedan was issued.
This is while he is currently serving his 2 year and six months of prison.

Iran arrests two Baha’is in Hamedan
May 25, 2010 
 Two women who follow the Baha’i faith by the names of Sahba Khademi and Suror Surorian were arrested. According to reports, they were sentenced to one year of prison on charges of ‘advertising and promoting Baha’ism’ by a court in Hamedan. They went to court on May 23 and were arrested and taken to Hamedan Prison.

Workers of Iran

Laborers march in protest
Bardsir, May 26, 2010
On Tuesday May 25 more than 300 workers of Bardsir’s Sugar Cane Factory gathered in protest in front of the factory since 8 am and then marched from the factory towards governor’s office and gathered there for two hours in protest to their unpaid wages. Also it is for three years that these workers have not received any bonuses.

Shahre Ray workers fired
Shahre Ray, May 24, 2010
A company building construction pieces which has two branches in Tehran and Isfahan has fired 230 workers from Isfahan branch and 120 from Tehran’s branch during last month.

Cement factory apt to fire its workers
Tehran, May 24, 2010
Tehran’s cement factory in Shahre Ray is close to firing 220 of its workers.
Currently Parifaf, Iranit and Sandogh Nassoz factories in Amin abad and Tehran’s cement factory are amongst the factories under crisis.

Students Committee in Iran (Supporters of PMOI)

May 26, 2010

UPDATE ON IRAN - No. 612- May 26, 2010

The Beginning of the End of the Clerical Rule in Iran

Uprising of June 10-20

Youths of Isfahan distributed Mr. Rajavi’s call for uprising in June 
Isfahan, May 25, 2010
Youths of Isfahan distributed the call of the leader of the resistance for “uprising and protest at the wake of June 20 and the anniversary of the nation wide uprising”. (June 20th is the day of political prisoners and those fallen for freedom during the clerical regime’s rule).

People torn Khamenei’s banner in Babaee Highway 

Tehran, May 25, 2010
On Thursday May 20 residents of Tehran torn Khamenei’s banner in Babaee highway.

Regime calls on Bassijies
Tehran, May 24, 2010
On Sunday May 23 Ahmadinejad’s government called on his Bassij forces to prepare them for the uprisings in June. The gatherings were under the disguise of the anniversary of freeing Khoramshahr in Iran-Iraq war and some religious occasions.

Abdolhamid Riegee was hanged
Zahedan, May 24, 2010
Fars news agency affiliated with RGC reported that Abdolhamid Riegee brother of Abdolmalek the head of armed anti regime group of Jondollah was hanged on Monday morning May 24 in Zahedan on the charge of ‘Moharebe’, corruption on earth by being an active member in the military branch of Jondollah.
At the wake of uprisings in June the clerical regime severely needs to suppress and provoke atmosphere of fear and terror in the society. But these executions add nothing but hatred towards this regime amongst people.

Inquisition 1980s style
Tehran, May 24, 2010
Deputy of Tehran’s prosecutor has held inquisitions in Evin Prison on May 23 for at least 50 political prisoners. These prisoners were from wards 3, 8, 7, 350 and women’s ward. They have been asked whether they believed that there has been fraud at the election or if they accept Ahmadinejad as their president.
Prisoners protested and during the protests Majid Tavkoli a student arrested during the uprisings was taken to solitary cells of ward 240 for 20 days.
Mr. Tavakoli while taken away said that he will go on dry hunger strike.
Prisoners say that this act of the regime is the same as it did in decades of 1980 especially in 1988 as a result of which it massacred 30000 political prisoners.

Shahre Kurd students under attack; four injured
Shahre Kurd, May 25, 2010
Bassiji elements of Shahre Kurd University supported by Harasat and some suppressive forces from outside the university attacked students who had gathered in protest to the closure of “Ghadeqan (prohibited)” student publication.
The students have published an article titled “Remembering May 25”. This day is that day when Shah’s suppressive apparatus executed the founders of PMOI.
Four students were injured during the clashes and transferred to hospital. Students chanted “a student will die but will not yield to oppression”.
Link of footage is attacked.

Ahmadinejad booed in Khoramshahr
Khoramshahr, May 24, 2010
On Monday morning May 24 Ahmadinejad held a speech in Khoramshahr as it was the anniversary of taking the city back in Iran-Iraq war. This speech was broadcasted live from regime’s Network News (TV).
Ahmadinejad who had started his speech since 9.30 am amongst a group of supporters was suddenly confronted with the presence of a crowd form Khoramshahr reisdents.
The crowd was protesting so loud that Ahmadinejad had to shout behind the podium and shake his hands to quite the crowd but the crowd booed him.
This made Ahmadinejad to start talking about the braveness of residents of Khoramshahr in the war in the middle of his speech but this made the crowd more angry saying that they are tired of these repeated words of him and chanted unanimously ‘we are unemployed, unemployed’.
Ahmadinejad lost his control and started promising them but the crowd did not stop.
Though regime’s TV tried to only show the supporters of Ahmadinejad but the sound of the protest echoed all over the place.
Ahmadinejad had to finish his speech abruptly.

No mercy even on his own elements
Tehran, May 25, 2010
During a debate at Bahrami Amphitheater of Science & Industry University between Shakori Rad (former MP of regime’s parliament and a member of the Mosharekat Front’s Central Council – from regime’s defeated fraction) and Vahid Jalili subjected as ‘political currents, slogans, dialogue and act’ on May 23 , when Shakori Rad didn’t clearly approve of Supreme Leadership and said that ‘we believe in the constitution’ he was attacked by Bassiji students at his exit from the university who chanted ‘death to Monafegh’ (the name regime used for PMOI members so far) at him.
In return, students chanted ‘death to dictator’, ‘liar, liar’ and ‘mercenaries’ at Bassijies.
Link of footage is attached

Students Committee in Iran (Supporters of PMOI)

No. 2 - Film - Commemorating the Anniversary of the Nationwide Uprising in Iran -Tehran University - June 2009.wmv

Bassijies attack Shahre Kurd University students, 4 injured, May 25, 2010.mpg

Confrontation of Bassij and students at Science & Industry University May, 23, 2010.

No. 3 - Disclosure of raid on Tehran University Dormitory June 16, 2009

No. 1 - Commemorating the Anniversary of the Nationwide Uprising in Iran -Tehran University - June 2009.wmv

May 25, 2010

UPDATE ON IRAN - No. 611 - May 25, 2010

The Beginning of the End of the Clerical Rule in Iran

Uprising of June 10-20

Call: Compatriots take into the streets from June 20-30 for freedom!
Tehran, May 23, 2010
Reports from all over Tehran show that distribution of call for uprising in Khordad (May 22-June 21) continues by brave struggling youths.
Hundred copies of leaflets calling to this uprising titled ‘Compatriots Take into the Streets for freedom on June 10-20 and Defend Struggling Youths and Political Prisoners’ was distributed in Behjatabad region on the south wing of Takhtetavoos Street attracting people’s attention and support.
In another event youths of Salsabil and Khosh regions distributed leaflets and wrote slogans supporting the uprisings on June 10-20. On Friday May 21 hundreds of leaflets reading ‘Khordad is the month of struggle and Khamenei shakes- don’t forget June 10- 20’ was distributed in west Navab and streets leading to Khosh and Salsabil. Residents supported the youths and offered their help in distribution.
The walls of Salsabil intersection called on people for the uprising on June by the slogan of ‘it is Khordad again regime’s life is over – don’t forget June 10- 20’.

Dismissals and appointments at the wake of another uprising
Tehran, May 24, 2010
At the wake of anniversary of the nationwide uprising Khamenei dismissed Pasdar Mohammad Bagher Zolghadr from the position of the deputy of Headquarters of Armed Forces in Bassij Affairs and appointed another Pasdar, Akbar Ibrahimzadeh in his place.
Khamenei also endoresed Pasdar Ahmadi Moghadam the criminal head of SSF in his position for two more years.

Former head of RGC fears the continuation of the Uprising
Tehran, May 24, 2010
Rahim Safavi the former head of RGC expressing his fear from the continuation of the Uprising said: “soft-war, has aimed and striking at the System and our beliefs”.

MP horrified from the June Uprising
Tehran, May 23, 2010
Ali Motahar regime’s MP expressed how he is worried from people’s Uprising at its anniversary by saying: “I don’t agree with any permission for a gathering or a rally at the anniversary of this event. Issuing such permission means re-ignition of the sedition”.

Increase of suppression in Tabriz
Tabriz, May 24, 2010
During recent days the clerical regime has executed intense security measures in Tabriz.
SSF suppressive agents are seen throughout the city.
People count that as a sign for regime’s fear from the anniversary of the uprising of Tabriz residents in 2006 and say that it wants to prevent of any protest.

Suppressive patrols in Karaj
Karaj, May 23, 2010
Patrols named ‘moral security’ have become vastly active since Saturday May 22 in Karaj.
These patrols were seen in streets of Gohardasht, Derakhti and Jahanshahr warning women and girls (for their veil) and arresting some.
Some female agents accompany these patrols.
They behave the women of our country very inappropriately and in some cases there have been verbal clashes between women and men with these agents.
In this way regime wants to increase the climate of fear and horror in Karaj.

Active students under pursuit
Shahrood, May 23, 2010
A member of ISC said that active students of Shahrood Industrial University are under pursuit.
Harasat of the university has warned them that if they have any move they will be either expelled from their exams or from the university.
Also 1000 students of this university laid their food trays on the ground and started a sit-in. There have been clashes between students and Bassijies.

The Downfall

Larijanies expressed their fear from global sanctions
Tehran, May 23, 2010
Larijani regime’s head of parliament nervous about the draft of sanctions speaking in the parliament on May 23 conceded that regime’s maneuver for accepting exchange of nuclear fuel had no credit and added: “we saw at the recent nuclear issue that after Americans asked in writing from Turkey to act as a middle man, when Turkey and Brazil entered the scene to open a way, Iran accepted fuel exchange because we respected the two friendly countries... Then all of a sudden Americans started their deception and talked about the resolution. We must say to Americans if you really wanted to do so, why did you make the two important states of Turkey and Brazi subject of mockery”.
Meanwhile his brother Mullah Sadegh Larijani the head of regime’s Judiciary said: “US and other western countries must think of a productive compromise and a respectful agreement with Iran. They must stop playing with Iran’s nuclear issue”.
He too conceded that regime’s nuclear maneuver had no value and added: “Iran’s recent statement is a touchstone for the claiming countries especially US to show if they are really looking for a productive compromise in the issue of nuclear energy or they only think of their own interests and intend evil against Iran”.
Meanwhile mullah Larijani claimed that regime will not retreat a step from its atomic eagerness.


Political prisoner Ali Moezi condemned execution decrees for 6 PMOI supporters

Tehran, May 24, 2010
Mr. Ali Moezi 56, one of the political prisoners of decade of 1980 who was abducted from his home in Fall 2008 for meeting his daughters in Ashraf City and is currently imprisoned in Gohardasht Prison under pressure and torture sent a message calling the decree of executions for 6 supporters of PMOI members as regime’s delusions for provoking fear and horror in the society.
He said in part of his message: “In the name of God. In fear of increasing protests and discontent of people, heads of regime have decided to revenge upon people. Thus at the wake of Khordad and after executing some, now we hear from regime’s prosecutor that decrees for execution of 6 family members of PMOI members residing in Ahsraf City including Mr. Ali Saremi and Mr. Jafar Kazemi had been finalized. They think that they will horrify people by this...
Iranian society chants ‘don’t be afraid we are all together’ and ‘we will fight, we will die, but we will not compromise’ never the less our political cellmates are those who put the rope with their own hands on their necks and order the execution and their families endure crying their path...”.
He continues: “since Mr. Saremi was transferred from Evin Prison to Gohardasht Prison I was honored to be his cellmate and I was affected by his humbleness, sacrifice and great humane behavior...One of our other cellmates says: ‘since they have issued his decree of execution how much more affectionate he had become and who much more inspired and happy’.
Mr. Saremi is still a pioneer in morning exercises, using his time right, helping others and meeting their needs. He doesn’t feel old, tired or sick. During the time that they consecutively took him to court and he was sick he said: ‘it was nothing I went out and came back and defended my identity...”.

Students strike back
Tabriz, May 23, 2010
An ISC member reported from Tabriz that following the closure of Arman Group, a political active Azari group, security forces raided Tabriz Azad University on May 22 and detained ten active students. Eight of them were freed till night but two of them Massoud and Hadi Akbari were kept in detention. Students said that they will go on strike witihn a couple of days.


Fines for women with improper veil
Mashad, May 24, 2010
Regime’s criminal prosecutor of Mashad threatened the women of our homeland and said: “women with improper veil have to pay fines up to 1,300,000 tomans (almost 1300 dollars)”.

Students of Meli University (Beheshti University) were summoned
Tehran, May 23, 2010
To provoke climate of fear and horror amongst students the clerical regime summoned some of the students who had protested Ahmadinejad’s presence at their university on Labor Day.

Regime retaliates the strike
Bukan, May 23, 2010
A resident of Bukan told an ISC member that after the general strike and closure of all shops in the city in protest against the execution of 5 political prisoners on May 9 the government has cut electricity and other civil services in some regions of the city and still the electricity has not come back in all affected regions and people’s shops are without electricity.
Bukan’s Friday Imam has threatened that if the residents repeat protesting any governmental decree or law they will be deprived of all general services.

Suppression of youths
Tehran, May 23, 2010
Under the imposturous plan of ‘confronting bothering of women’ regime’s suppressive agents in forms of ‘aid units’ and ‘moral security police’  bother young girls and boys in the cars.
They confiscated the cars documents and gave a receipt instead saying to receive their documents they must refer to ‘aid units’.
These suppressive measures have been taken by regime’s suppressive agents east of Tehran. Golbarg Street is one of the affected streets.

Iran hangs political prisoner in Zahedan 
May 24, 2010
 Mullahs' regime hanged Abdolhamid Rigi, the brother of Abdolmalek Rigi (the head of the Jundollah Group) on Monday morning in the Central Zahedan Prison.
Iranian regime sentenced him to death by the Revolutionary Court and the sentence was implemented after it was upheld by the Supreme Court. (Tabnak state-run Website)

Man hanged in public in Ahwaz
May 23, 2010 
 On the evening of May 21, a person was hanged in public by the judicial system. This hanging was carried out in Koot Abdollah Road across the Abadan Terminal. The sentence was upheld by the Supreme Court.

Qazvin Prosecutor: limb amputation will be used as punishments for thieves
May 23, 2010
The Prosecutor of Qazvin announced that the amputation law would be pursued to decrease robberies in Qazvin.
Hojatoll-Islam Sadeqi Niaraki cited the increase of some crimes in Qazvin and said, “Narcotics, robberies and intentional beatings are crimes that have the highest rates (in Qazvin) and we are looking to control these crimes by issuing sentences and urgently implementing the sentences according to the law”.
He also said that the punishments for crimes will be more severe.  (ISNA state-run News Agency)

It should be mentioned that regime of Iran has started these executions and inhuman actions in order to make atmosphere of fear to prevent people from uprising in coming month of June, the anniversary of June uprising in 2009.

Political prisoner writes letter from prison detailing brutal tortures
May 22, 2010
Hassan Mirzayi, a political prisoner in the Orumieh Central Prison who was sentenced to 32 months of prison by the first branch of the Orumieh Revolutionary Court wrote a letter detailing the tortures he was subjected to during his detention in the Salmas, Khoy and Orumieh Intelligence Agencies, and Evin Prison.
“I am Hossein Mirzayi and was arrested by security forces in a Revolutionary Guards Corps checkpoint on May 24, 2009 and was detained for about 17 days in the Salmas and Khoy Intelligence Agencies where I was interrogated. On June 11, 2009, I was taken from the Khoy Intelligence Agency to Orumieh and was subjected to severe physical and mental tortures for 47 days.
During the 47 days in the Orumieh Intelligence Agency I was physically tortured, beaten, lashed on the legs and shoulders, and hung from my hands and feet.
From the seventh day of my detention in Orumieh, I was tortured twice a day, in the morning and evening, in an electric chair and after 14 days I was transferred to cellblock 209 in Evin Prison. There they gave me three injections which made my muscles extremely weak and sluggish and I was strangely slow in answering their questions. I was not able to walk and during this stage I was unable to eat anything except water for 7 to 8 days.
I was then transferred to Khoy from Evin. Because of the injuries in my chest, I am suffering from respiratory problems along with severe coughs and have nasal secretions. I still have pain in my left knee as a result of the tortures.
After making constant visits to the prison infirmary, medics in the Khoy and Orumieh Prisons announced in their initial checkups that I need to have urgent radiology pictures taken from lungs. Also the doctor in Evin Prison said that as a result of the torture, the nerves in my left knee have been damaged and this has led to thinness in my left leg.
After the checkups, I constantly requested to be treated in a hospital outside the prison at my own expense or asked to be seen by a specialist without any results and my condition is deteriorating by the day”.

Ailing female protester taken to Evin Prison
May 22, 2010
Mobineh Lari who was arrested during post election events was taken to Evin Prison after her sentence was confirmed.
There is no information on why she was taken to Evin Prison.
She is suffering from MS (multiple sclerosis) and cannot even change her clothes on her own.

Iran tortures jailed woman into giving fake confessions 
May 23, 2010
According to reports, Zahra Bahrami who was arrested on Ashura (December 27, 2009) is still jailed in cellblock 209 and is under severe pressure to confess to fabricated charges made against her in the Revolutionary Court.
Zahra Bahrami (Sahra) has a dual Iranian Dutch citizenship and lives in London. This 45 year old woman was an artist in London and came to Iran to visit her child. Bahrami was arrested on December 27 during widespread protests in Tehran by intelligence agents and was transferred to cellblock 209 in Evin Prison. She was subjected to severe mental and physical torture to make taped confessions. She is currently in cellblock 209 in one cell with two other prisoners and has been denied visits with her family and the right to a lawyer since her arrest. She is suffering from severe depression because of the tortures.
Intelligence interrogators physically and mentally torture her or give her empty promises that she will be released to force her into giving false confessions in front of cameras. In these confessions, interrogators call her Sara and insult her by saying she is a dancer. Bahrami was forced to say that she was in contact with the Monarchist Association and the People’s Mojahedin Organization of Iran among other fabricated charges. Intelligence agents have forced a number of other detainees to confess against her in these taped confessions.
These agents have also told her that she has to accept these charges in the Revolutionary Court. They intend to charge her with being a mohareb (enemy of God) and have threatened her on many instances that they would sentence her to death and implement the sentence as soon as possible.

Jailed student activist goes on hunger strike in protest to being thrown in solitary
May 23, 2010
Majid Tavakoli, a jailed student activist was taken to a solitary cell today for unknown reasons.
He had announced to his cellmates before his transfer that he would go on a dry hunger strike (refusing to eat both food and water) if he is taken to solitary.
This is while in the past few days, his physical health was reportedly poor and he was taken to the infirmary several times.

Labor activist sentenced to 5 years of prison
May 22, 2010 - The Ahwaz court of review upheld the 5 year prison term for Pejman Rahimi, a labor activist in Khuzestan. The 5 year prison sentence for Mohammad-Ismail Vandi, a cultural and social activist in Ahwaz was also upheld by this court.

Workers of Iran

Labor activist imprisoned
Ahwaz, May 23, 2010
Ahwaz revision court approved 5 years term for Pajman Rahimi a laborer activist of Khozestan.
In another event a civil and cultural activist in Ahwaz, Mohammad Ismailvand received a 5 years term by the revision court too.

Strike continues
Qazvin, May 23, 2010
On Sunday May 23 more than 160 workers of Alborz Chinaware factory in Qazvin gathered in protest again to oppose the closure of the factory and nonpayment of their postponed wages. The protest started on 7 am and continued after noon.

Susun Soft Drink factory continue their protest
Tehran, May 23, 2010
In continuation of protests of the workers of Susun Soft Drink Factory 650 laborers of which have been fired, 200 workers gathered in protest in front of Tehran’s west region’s Bureau of Social Support and demanded that officials look into their legal status regarding their firing.
They received no answer from the officials. The families of these workers are in very poor economical condition.

30 laborers fired
Saveh, May 23, 2010
The manager of Shamsa Saveh Company not only has not paid two months wages of his laborers but also has forged the contract with one of his fired workers.
This worker has worked for six months without having any contract which meant that legally he was a permanent hired worker of this company so the manager has made him to sign a forged contract which said that he was contracted till the end of last year and that was the reason he was not accepted on the work after it.

No wages for four months
Saveh, May 23, 2010
Workers of Dana Rahsazan Company in Saveh have not received their wages for four months. Not receiving their wages and bonuses for the New Year the workers of this company are suffering from terrible livelihood conditions.
These workers have protested several times since the end of last Iranian year but they were not able to gain their rights so far.

News of Iran’s Economy

Detouring the sanctions
Isfehan- Shahinshahr, May 23, 2010
According to reportes from Shahinshahr that by using bank accounts of Sheikhs of Persian Gulf countries the clerical regime is pursuing its bank trades and export-import of sanctioned goods.
For example Iran Chemical Industry Company in Isfahan produces a material called LIB which is sanctioned of having any export but the managers of the company who are all from heads of IRGC have made agreements to use bank accounts of these Sheikhs for their export and instead the Sheikhs will receive 20% of the interest.

Students Committee in Iran (Supporters of PMOI)

May 24, 2010

UPDATE ON IRAN - No. 610- May 24, 2010

The Beginning of the End of the Clerical Rule in Iran
Uprising of June 10-20
News obtained by ISC:
Graves are banned
Tehran, May 22, 2010 
A member of family of one of the Uprising’s martyrs said that regime intends to close section 257 in Beheshte Zahra Cemetery. Regime has told this family that they should not hold any ceremony in month of Khordad (May 22- June 21).
Some other families confirmed the news.

Regime’s precautions 
Tehran, May 22, 2010
As the anniversary of June Uprising gets near and there are possibilities of protest movements by people, regime has summoned its military forces to confront these moves.
Paramilitary Bassij has started holding sessions in its bases to organize its forces.
The suppressive RGC is summoning its forces to the capital.
Heads of regime have asked the commanders of this force especially those stationed in Tehran to have thorough plans for confronting vast potential protests in Tehran.
Regime counts May 23, June 4, June 5 and June 12 to 20 as important days.

News from within regime’s forces
Mashad, May 21, 2010
A force belonging to regime’s SSF said that all SSF and Especial Units are ordered the state of alert for the month of Khordad.

The Downfall

Mullah Alamolhoda expresses his fear of women’s role in the Uprising
Mashad, May 22, 2010
Mullah Alamolhoda Khamenei’s representative in Mashad’s Friday show while calling mullahs’ regime Islam, uttered misogynous words and said: “Women and girls with improper veil are enemy’s front and US’s infantry. The enemy wants to separate our youths from religion by improper veil. When religion is taken away from people they will diverge from Revolution and Islam and that is the time when they pull down Islam. In soft-war the enemy doesn’t tell people to say that there is no God but they penetrate by spreading improper veil”.
In another event Mostafa Khosravi the head of Harasat of Tehran University said that girls without Maghnae are not permitted to enter some departments and even the force confronts male students with improper veil!
He conceded that they are afraid that this suppression might inspire students for more protests and said: “some might want to take advantage of this situation. The month is embedding events and we don’t want this issue to add up to the events followed by last years’ presidential election”.

Clerical regime horrified of resolution of sanctions
Tehran, May 22, 2010
Regime’s Foreign Minister, Manouchehr Motaki said: “one or two state members of National Security were planning new resolution to present it in the council but they presented it to the others when it was done”.
Mohammadreza bahonar, regime’s deputy of parliament while worried said: “it is possible that the 4th resolution against Iran be executed”.
 He threatened: “if they issue the statement then Iran will not comply with the recent agreement and fuel will not exit Iran”.
Mullah Mosa Ghorbani an MP said: “presenting the draft means turning the back on all the quests of other countries for international assurance”.
Ali Larijani head of regime’s parliament said: “though Turkey and Brazil had given their obligations that there would be no verbal attack by westerners less than 24 hours passed when US Foreign Minister acted Iran like her predecessors and talked against Iran. It is shameful that the westerners pay little attention even to their own envoys (Turkey and Brazil”

No visa for a diplomat terrorist
Tehran, May 22, 2010
US ruled out giving visa to Mohammad Mehdi Akhondzadeh regime’s diplomat terrorist.
This act made the clerical angry and regime’s representative in UN wrote a letter to “the Committee of Relation of UN with the Host Country”.
The letter reads in part: “by not giving visa to Akhondzadeh, she has misused her position as the host of a global organ”.
Akhondzadeh intended to participate in the conference for revising the treaty of Prohibition of the Spread of Nuclear Armament.
Mohammad Mehdi Akhondzadeh is one of the commanders of assassination of Professor Kazem Rajavi in Sweden.  Professor Kazem Rajavi was a jurist, professor of university, and human rights activist and the brother of the leader of Iranian resistance.


Tehran Azad University in protest
Tehran, May 22, 2010
Students of Azad University, central unit, in Tehran protested against the detention, expulsion and suspension decrees issued at this university on May 22.
As an ISC member reported from this protest gathering security forces equipped with walki-talki were present inside and outside the campus in great number.
University’s Harasat prevented the entrance of tens of students to the campus. Mobile phones were cut throughout the campus and regions around and the students were cut off from outside the campus.
Security forces, interrogators of Intelligence Ministry and Ansar Hezbollah’s forces were present at the campus and anti-riot guards sieged the university and streets around.
The security forces, Bassijies and Intelligence Ministry’s interrogators who were present at Technical Department tried to arrest some students. Some could escape and some were arrested. Four injured students who were bleeding severely, beaten by Bassijies, were detained and taken to Harasat’s office and they were not taken to hospital.
The link of film is given.

Babol students activist condemn execution decrees
Babol, May 22, 2010
A group of youths and students activists of Babol condemned the decree of execution of 6 political prisoners supporters of PMOI; Mohammad Ali Saremi, Jafar Kazami, Mohammad Ali Hajaghaee, Ahmad Daneshpoor Moghadam, Mohsen Daneshpoor Moghadam and Abdolreza Ghanbari.
The statement reads in part: “as the month of freedom and justice seeking comes, we a group of youths and student activists of Babol express our protest against the decrees of Execution for Mohammad Ali Saremi, Jafar Kazami, Mohammad Ali Hajaghaee, Ahmad Daneshpoor Moghadam, Mohsen Daneshpoor Moghadam and Abdolreza Ghanbari.
These who crave freedom are enchained but the main elements of crimes and the murderers (pointing to the clerical dictatorship and its elements) are loose. We will never remain silence in regard with this crime and we will start a new wave of protests alongside with the people of our city.
We warn the state that these violent behaviors bring up nothing but their devastation”.

Farzad’s brave mother
Kermanshah, May 22, 2010
A member of ISC who has met Farzad Kamangar’s mother (Farzad was executed along with 4 other political prisoners on May 9 by the clerical dictatorship) wrote: “I went to his house today and I kissed Farzad’s mothers hand on behalf of all of you. Her mother said: ‘I will not let them hear me mourning. They will take that wish to their graves’. She was strong and tolerant”.

To honor Farhad political prisoners went on hunger strike
Tehran, May 22, 2010
ISC reports from Evin Prison that following the execution of Farhad Vakili a Kurd political prisoner on May 9, political prisoners of ward 350 went on hunger strike last Monday and Tuesday to honor him.
Their connection with the outside world was cut but the prisoners chanted ‘death to dictator’ in prison’s yard to express their protest against the executions.
Following this protesting move, political prisoners Davood Soleimani, Rasool Bodaghi and Isa Saharkhiz were transferred to Gohardasht Prison on Monday and Mehdi Mahmoodian, Reza Rafiee and Tabarzani were transferred to Karaj’s Pardis Prison.

Vast protest against the political executions
Uroumieh and Oshnavieh, May 22, 2010
On May 18 more than 50% of high school pupils in Uroumieh boycotted classes in protest to the execution of five political prisoners on May 9.
The names of some of the most important high schools were Chamran, Khomeini, Mostafa Khomeini and Taleghani high schools.
In Oshnavieh too more than 75% of city’s schools including Ferdose, Motahari and Haj Rasoulian high schools were almost closed because students boycotted the classes in protest to the executions.

Hamedan honors the innocents
Hamedan, May 22, 2010
Students of Abu Ali Sina University of Hamedan have decorated the pictures of the 5 executed political prisoners of May 9 in the hall of Science Department and have lit candles for them.

Students call for commemorating Kianoosh Asa
Tehran- May 22, 2010
Students of Science and Industry University intend to have a huge ceremony on June 1 at noon for the anniversary of Kianoosh Asa a student of the university who was arrested during last year’s June Uprising and murdered under torture. (Kianoosh was murdered on June 15, 2009).
The ceremony will start from in front of Chemistry Engineering Department were Kianoosh studied and it will end at the park named after him after a march.


Unannounced curfew in Tabriz
Tabriz, May 23, 2010
ISC reported Saturday morning from Tabriz that at the anniversary of the day Iran Daily offended people talking Turkish and Azari languages in Iran, Tabriz was flooded with regime’s suppressive forces.
At the early hours of the day an unannounced curfew ruled the city and each 50 meters a team of two suppressive agents were patrolling.
Footage's link is given

Trialed for visiting his child
Tehran, May 22, 2010
Clerical regime’s Judiciary trialed Mr. Hamid Haeri an old political prisoner on charge of visiting his child in Ashraf City and for supporting PMOI. Mr. Haeri has been under torture since 2.5 years ago.
Mr. Haeri is one of the political prisoners of decade of 1980’s and was arrested on Dec.7, 2008 in a raid by notorious Intelligence Ministry while he was sick in bed and was suffering from the injuries of a heavy accident. He was transferred to the dreadful ward 209 of Evin Prison.
He has gone several times under severe physical and psychological tortures to yield to what the interrogators of Intelligence Ministry wanted from him but he endured and resisted. The interrogators have threatened him times and again that they would arrest his wife and young daughter and take them to Kahrizak under torture.

Arrests in Kurdistan
Kurdistan, May 22, 2010
During strikes throughout Kurdistan against the execution of 5 political prisoners on May 9, the Intelligence Bureau of Dahgalan Township summoned a few of activists of the township to the bureau and after hours of interrogation transferred them to Gharveh’s Intelligence Bureau.
The names of the detainees are Foad Amiri (civil and human rights activist), Khaled Shakoori (political activist), Sardar Mohammadi (civil and human rights activist), Ali Mohammadi (civil and human rights activist) and Baset Moradi (civil and human rights activist).
The families of the detainees have no news of them since.

Suppression in Sharif University
Tehran, May 22, 2010
A member of ISC reported about the spying apparatus at Sharif University and said: “we chanted Allah O Akbar at dark in the dormitory but we were summoned to Harasat the next day. They badly control us. In each room they have put a Bassiji girl supporter of Ahmadinejad to spy on us.

Political prisoners under continuous attacks at Gohardasht Prison
Tehran, May 22, 2010
At the newest raid from the systematic raids on defenseless political prisoners at Gohardasht Prison a great number of inmates were severely injured and their belongings destroyed.
Though the prisoners have been injured in head, face and other limbs but the officials haven’t permitted any treatment.
This prison has turned to place of exile for many political prisoners in recent years and they are kept amongst ordinary criminals and inmates who are affected with skin and blood diseases.

190 arrested
Shahryar, May 22, 2010
Raiding on residential regions in Shahryar Township suppressive SSF arrested 190 people on the excuse of narcotics on Thursday May 20. Sixty operational suppressive teams were involved at the raid.

A student publication banned
Tehran- May 22, 2010
Amir Roostami the head of students affair of Tehran University said that Pardis Qom a student publication has been confiscated because it has offended mullahs Makarem Shirazi and Jafar Sobhani and as Roostami puts it Ayatollahs. The committee of supervising students’ publications will look into the matter and until then the publication will be banned.

Workers of Iran

Taxi drivers won
Kamyaran, May 22, 2010
Taxi drivers of Bath residential complexes in Kamyaran protested against merging three taxi stations in regions one, two and three of the complexes at May 19 in front of the City Council building.
Regime’s suppressive forces and Intelligence agents immediately were present at the place filming the protesters but they resisted the horrifying security atmosphere and were able to reach their goal.

Protesting RGC’s bullying
Tehran, May 21, 2010
More than 200 workers, members of Farming Jihad’s Residential Cooperative gathered on May 19 at 9 am in protest. Regime has received money from them for 25 years to provide them with a house but because the lands are located in an appropriate location for RGC it intends to get hold of the lands.
Suppressive SSF were present to control the gathering.

Workers of Zarin Metal Production Company on Strike
Tehran, May 21, 2010
The workers of this company are on strike since Wednesday May 29. They haven’t been paid their wages for six months.
The company has been working with 20% of primary material needed for long.
The representative of Labor Bureau of Islamshahr tried to convince the workers to end their strike and wait even longer which made them more angry.
Due to resistance of the workers the manager announced that he will accompany the workers’ representative and ask for loan. The workers said that they would continue their strike until this was done.

News of Iran’s Economy

Tehran, May 22, 2010
Gas stations in Tehran did not offer any free gasoline on May 22 in Tehran and provided gasoline for the customers only with ration cards.

Poor conditions of factories in Kurdistan: Rakhsh Niro Company 
Sanandaj, May 21, 2010
A member of ISC reported about the conditions of Rakhsh Niro Company in Sanandaj:
This company with history of ten years and 45 workers runs in two shifts. The company belonging to the private section produces cable and power transformers.
Manufacturing 5 tons of cable per month but still the workers of this factory have not received their wages for six months as well as their bonus for the New Year.
The workers’ protests not only had not reached a satisfactory result so far but also the manager threatens them that they will be fired because they disrupt the production by their protests.
The same condition ruled the factory on 2008 and at that time too the manager fired some of the workers because they protested against their unpaid wages and replaced them with female workers making them to promise that they will not protest in case the payment of their wages is postponed.
The workers of this company are forced to work for long hours and they have no support amongst the governmental organs.

Other News

A repented RGC colonel discloses
May 22, 2010
A retired RGC colonel from RGC in Kurdistan region named H.M. who lives with his wife and two sons in one of the neighboring countries of Iran trying to take refuge in a European country discloses.
He speaks of his past: “from the beginning of the revolution I was a member of RGC in Kurdistan. I am from one of the villages of Divandareh. Like many others I was deceived by regime’s Islamic slogans. At the beginning of the revolution I was only 16 and I got acquainted with RGC by Seyyed Hashem Hedayati. I served 27 years in the force and I suffered a lot.
You might ask me why I didn’t run away during these 27 years. The history will forgive me some day.
RGC has a moral weak point from all the Kurd families and keeps them in its archives. Any human being has made mistakes in his life and I had too.
Every once in a while they gather us bringing different excuses and they remind us of what we have been and what we had done.
Regime tried hard to make Kurds to agree with it but it wasn’t successful for one reason. Kurds love their religion (Suni)...
RGC never trusted Kurds. I remember that at the beginning of the Gulf War of high rank officials of RGC said amongst some RGC commanders that Kurds sold themselves to US...
Because my wife was the daughter of one of RGC commanders in Hamedan who was killed I was trusted. I was a member of the board that 14 months ago we received the shipment of Russian missiles from RGC to station them in Saral Region. They told us that Russians call Kurdistan ‘heaven of camouflage’ and for that reason RGC missile sites are stationed in Kurdistan.
I witnessed missile tests in Saral Region, Obatoo field and Ghaleh Kohan. This is the strongest missile site of Iran....
I have been in sessions for coordinating transfer of narcotics from Kurdistan; opium and heroin...

Students Committee in Iran (Supporters of PMOI)