Majid Tavakoli
Jailed student activists critical condition after going on dry hunger strikes
May 28, 2010 - Student activist Majid Tavakoli who is in his 7th day of hunger strike is in poor condition. According to reports, Tavakoli who was suffering from a kidney illness, is in critical condition and is not able to speak right now. He is also suffering from a stomach hemorrhage. His family is worrying about his condition. His brother, Ali Tavakoli, wrote a letter to Mr. Ban Ki Mon, explaining Majid's condition and requesting for help. Please read the below letter which has been written by Ali Tavakoli:
Picture: Majid Tavakoli
Dear Mr. Ban Ki Mon,
Hello, we are the family of Majid Tavakoli and need your help to prevent the death of our son who is on his sixth day of dry hunger strike in protest to the Iranian regime’s crimes against him in prison. Please help us in any way you can because our son is in very critical condition and on the verge of death.
Our mother, (Majid’s mother) has also gone on a dry hunger along with her son and is also in very poor condition. Please take note of the below issues:
Majid Tavakoli, son of Feizollah Tavakoli was arrested on December 7, 2009 outside his university and after being tried in the 15th branch of the Revolutionary Court by Judge Salavati, was sentenced to 8 years and six months of prison, a 5 year ban on his political activities and a 5 year ban on leaving the country on charges of assembling and conspiring with the intention of acting against national security, propagandist activities against the government, and insulting the leader and president.
They kept him in a solitary cell for about 4 months. This is while according to the Islamic Republic’s Bylaw of Citizens’Rights, keeping an offender in a solitary cell for more than a week to 10 days is illegal.
Majid has been deprived of the minimum rights of a prisoner while in solitary such as being allowed to go in the fresh air, the right to make phone calls, and the right to have family visits.
He has been barred from having access to and visiting his lawyer during his detention and five months after his sentence was issued by the judge. It is worth noting that his lawyer was not even allowed inside the judicial building to pursue or even review his case!
Majid Tavakoli was transferred to the public cellblock (cellblock 7, hall 3) in Evin Prison on May 21, 2010 and was allowed to call his family.
But on May 23 he was once again thrown in solitary and as his family, we are not aware of the conditions behind his transfer. Majid went on a dry hunger strike (refusing to consume both food and water) on May 23 in protest to being transferred to solitary again and on May 27 we were notified that he is in critical condition and is suffering from a stomach hemorrhage. His lung illness which he acquired from his long detention in solitary has also deteriorated resulting in speech loss,and he still has not been transferred to the infirmary.
Majid Tavakoli’s mother went on a hunger strike in solidarity with her son and because no official in Iran is willing to answer or support Majid.
In the end, we request that you look into this issue urgently and send representatives to see to Majid Tavakoli’s condition and the violation of his rights as a prisoner.
Thank you,
The Tavakoli family – May 28, 2010
اقدام سريع براي نجات جان زنداني سياسي مجيــد توكلي
نامه ي علي توكلي ، برادر مجيد به دبيركل سازمان ملل براي اقدام سريع جهت نجات جان مجيد توكلي ...
به : دبيركل سازمان ملل, كميسرعالي حقوق بشر,گزارشگران ويژه دستگيريهاي خودسرانه وشكنجه ملل متحدوعموم سازمانهاي بين المللي مدافع حقوق بشر
آقاي بان كي مون ، با سلام
ما خانواده مجيد توكلي دست كمك بسوي شما دراز كرده ايم تا بلكه بتوانيم بهر صورتي كه امكانش براي شما هست از كشته شدن فرزندمان كه 6 روز دراعتراض به جنايتهايي كه رژيم ايران بر سر او و زندانيان ديگر درآورده دراعتصاب غذاي خشك بسر مي برد و حالش بشدت وخيم است و فاصله اي با مرگ ندارد ، جلوگيري كنيد . مادرمان نيز درهمراهي با مجيد ، اعتصاب غذاي خشك كرده و او هم حالش بشدت وخيم است . لطفا به آنچه در زير نوشته ايم توجه كنيد :
مجيد توکلي فرزند فيض الله در تاريخ 16 آذر سال 1388 و در برابر دانشگاه محل تحصيل خود بازداشت گرديد و پس از طي مراحل دادرسي توسط شعبه 15 دادگاه انقلاب به رياست قاضي صلواتي، به اتهام اجتماع و تباني به قصد اقدام عليه امنيت ملي، فعاليت تبليغي عليه نظام، توهين به رهبري و توهين به رييسجمهور در مجموع به هشت سال و شش ماه حبس تعزيري و 5 سال محروميت از هرگونه فعاليت سياسي و 5 سال ممنوعيت خروج از کشورمحکوم گرديد.
مجيد را به مدت تقريبا چهار ماه در سلول انفرادي نگاه داشته اند. در حالي که مطابق آيين نامه حقوق شهروندي جمهوري اسلامي نگهداري متهم در سلول انفرادي بيش از يک هفته تا ده روز برخلاف قانون است.
مجيد در تمام طول مدت انفرادي از اوليه ترين حقوق زنداني چون حق استفاده از هواي آزاد(هواخوري)، حق تماس تلفني و ملاقات با خانواده محروم بوده است.
مجيد در تمام مدت بازداشت و تا همين لحظه که تقريبا پنج ماه است از صدور حکم قاضي گذشته است، از حق دسترسي و ملاقات با وکيل محروم بوده است.لازم به ذکر است که وکيل براي پرس و جو در مورد وضعيت متهم و احيانا مطالعه پرونده وي حتي اجازه ورود به ساختمان قوه قضائيه را نداشته است!
مجيد توکلي در تاريخ 31 ارديبهشت 1389 به بند عمومي (اندرزگاه 7 سالن 3) منتقل شد و اجازه تماس با خانواده خود را پيدا کرد.
ولي مجددا مجيد را در تاريخ 2 خرداد 1389 به انفرادي منتقل کرده اند و دليلش هم براي ما که خانواده او هستيم نا معلوم مي باشد، لازم به ذکر است مجيد از 2 خرداد به دليل انتقال مجدد به انفرادي دست به اعتصاب غذاي خشک زده است ( آب وغذا نمي خورد) و در روز 6 خرداد به ما خبر دادند که وضعيت جسمي مجيد وخيم مي باشد و دچار خون ريزي معده گشته و به علت بيماري که در زمان نگهداري طولاني مدت در انفرادي دچار مشکلات ريوي شده بود باعث حاد شدن او گشته است و قدرت تکلم خود را نيز از دست داده است. وتا ارسال اين نامه از انتقال او به بهداري خبري نيست
مادر مجيد توکلي هم از روز سوم خرداد براي همدردي با مجيد و به دليل اينکه در ايران هيچ مسئولي حاضربه جواب گويي و دادخواهي مجيد نمي باشد دست به اعتصاب زده است
در پايان خواهان رسيدگي سريع و اعزام بازرسين براي بررسي وضعيت مجيد توکلي و نقض حقوق قانوني او به عنوان يک زنداني مي باشيم.
با تشکر
خانواده توکلي– 7/3/
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