May 1, 2010

Labor Day in Iran -Labor Bulletin- No.8 - April 30, 2010

Labor Day
Iran at the wake of Labor Day

Roar of Allah O Akbar filled Tehran’s sky
Tehran, April 30, 2010-

On Thursday night at the wake of Labor Day at 2200 Cry of Allah O Akbar and Death to Khamenei filled Tehran’s sky.
Residents in regions of Khoosh, Toopkhaneh, Ekbatan, Yousefabad and Tehranno started their nightly uprising in solidarity with laborers.
It is to be mentioned that many laborer and student associations and organizations have invited people to participate in the demonstration of the global Labor Day.
The council for holding the ceremony of the day has issued a statement announcing that the demonstration would be from Azadi Street towards Enghelab Square in Tehran.

PMOI’s call for the Labor Day distributed in different cities

April 30, 2010-

Struggling youths of Iran continued distributing PMOI’s call for May Day and announcement of the Laborer-Teachers Week in different cities of Iran.
The call has been vastly distributed in Sahriati, Bahar Shiraz, Haft-e-tir Sq, Takhtetavoos and Shohada Sq, in Tehran.
The call has also been distributed in different regions of Isfahan, Yasooj and Shiraz.
Anti regime slogans have also been written on the walls in these regions including: “death to the principle of Supreme Leadership, death to Khamenei, death to Ahmadinejad, deceptive Khamenei get lost into the trash can and Khamenei must know he will be toppled soon.
The brave youths filled the walls near regime’s a police station and Governor Office in Isfahan with anti-regime slogans too while these places are always protected by Bassij, SSF and RGC forces.

News / Protests

Alborz Chinawar Factory continues its protest
Qazvin, April 29, 2010
The workers of this company have been in protest against anti-laborer policies of Ahmadinejad’s government since March 25. On Thursday April 29 they went on strike again since 2 pm in front of the factory.
These 180 workers who are all officially hired have not received their wages for 10 months even their bonuses for the New Year.
Each worker must be paid at least 4 million tomans in that regard.
When on Wednesday they went to Tehran to gather in front of Ministry of Industry and Mines they were called ‘rioters’ and were forced to go back to Qazvin.
They were promised a gathering at the factory on May first but a worker said that this is a known deceive and they just want to pass May Day.
On Thursday’s gathering two of the workers fainted. The protesters chanted ‘we will not stop until we gain back our rights’.
All contract workers of the factory, 220, were ousted at the wake of New Year and nobody was there to protect them.
Even the permanent hired workers are desperate according the livelihood of their families and some of them had to draw out their children from universities, some of these families are shattered and some cannot even provide food for their children.

Protesting act of fast-drive buses of Tehran
Tehran, April 30, 2010
In protest against firing of one of their co-workers employees of Tehran’s fast-drive buses turned on the lights of their buses since 9 am till in the afternoon in protest to the firing of one of their co-workers.
Abdollah Hosseini is an active member of Tehran’s Bus Driving Syndicate and this is one of the reasons that he was ousted. Mr. Hosseini has 18 years history of work and it is about 8 months that he has been fired and is in deplorable living condition.

News / Suppression

Firings in Samsung Factory
Karaj, April 29, 2010
- Samsung factory fired 25 of its perssonel. The ousted workers prusued the case to return to their jobs but in vein.
The manager of the factory, Barkhordar, has connections with regime’s high rank official. For example regime’s former Minister of Intelligence visits the factory and has purchased its productions too.
For importing electronic parts and equipments Barkhordar is related with many military organs.
The factory is located amid residential area and though it is a law that factories must be moved out of the cities but this one is not only still there but it is spreading its premises.
With connections that Barkhordar has nobody can prevent him of what he is doing.

Vast arbitrary arrests
April 29, 2010
- Vast arbitrary arrests of active members of Teacher’s Guil Societies in provinces such as Hamedan, Kermanshah and East Azerbaijan as well as detention of secretary general, Ali Akbar Baqhani, and spokesman, Behesghti, of Centeral Council of the guild has led to a mobilization for their freedom. The members have sent widespread SMS informing public of the event and inviting them to protest the act.

Labor activists sentenced to prison
April 28, 2010
- On the eve of Labor Day, Homayoun Jaberi, a member of the Syndicate of Workers of Tehran and Suburbs Bus Company, was sentenced to one year of prison which has been suspended for three years.
He was charged with assembling and conspiring to disrupt the security of the country, spreading propaganda against the government and disrupting public order.
Jaberi was arrested by security forces on May 1, 2009 two hours before a Labor Day ceremony near Laleh Park. He was taken to cellblock 240 after being detained in Police Station 147. Jaberi was released 20 days later on a 50 million toman (about 50 thousand dollars) bail.

Especial report : Workers tore Ahmadinejad’s posters

Tehran, April 29, 2010
- Pretending that it cares for the workers Ahmadinejad’s government has posted posters in different locations in Tehran about the Labor Day which are engraved with photos of Ahmadinejad and Khamenei. Some words of Khamenei about the laborers is written on these posters too.
The posters are installed in places such as in front of Ministry of Labor and Social Affairs, Haj Organization, Azadi Street, Azadi and Khosh and Behboodi intersections and etc.
These banners were attacked at and torn by the workers. Some of them are torn at the place where Ahmadinejad’s picture is put showing the dept of hatred of this class of society from Ahmadinejad.
It is to be mentioned that the premises is equipped with surveilance cameras but the brave workers did tear the poster to show their feelings towards the heads of the regime to them.

Students Committee in Iran (Supporters of PMOI)

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