May 1, 2010

Clash and Protest Gathering on Labor Day in IRAN

Tehran, May 1, 2010- At 1430 anti-regime march formed in Azadi st. and the crowd is moving towards Labor Ministry. Entrances to Azadi St. such as from Avesta St. are closed by regime's security forces.
Plainclothes are patrolling in the cities and search the passengers once in a while.

Tehran, May 1, 2010
- From Enghelab Sq. to Azadi Sq. is flooded with anti riot forces. They have closed the premises around Labor Ministry since two hours ago.
A bus that came from Varamin City and was in Enghelab St. was stopped by SSF. The Passengers were workers from Varamin who wanted to go to join the gathering in front of Labor Ministry. They were forced to get off the bus and disperse and the bus was returned to Varamin.
Those passengers who stood up to this suppressive act were beaten hard.

Tehran, May 1, 2010- On 1330 about 40 workers who were going up Navab St. towards Azadi St. were viciously raided by SSF. They were hit with batons and iron rods but stood up to the suppressive forces.
Two of them were badly injured and were transferred to hospital.
At 11 am too Padars, Bassjies and SSF attacked the passer byes, beat them and arrested some. They intended to prevent any protest gathering.

Tehran, May 1, 2010- Baharestan, Toopkhaneh, Vali-e-Asr and Azadi are flooded with Bassijies, SSF and their vehicles. Plainclothes too are stationed in their black cars in all city regions.

Tehran, May 1, 2010- At the west side of Azadi Sq. check points are stationed and the agents control each car.
A command unit of SSF is stationed in a boot that has been brought to Daneshjoo Park since two days ago and has been controling the region since.
At the west end of Molavi St. which is counted as a Tehran entrance check points are stationed and the control people's National Cards.

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