August 4, 2010

Brief on Sanctions on Iran - Sanctions; why?

Brief on Sanctions on Iran 

Sanctions; why?

Have you ever asked yourself why we are pro or against the sanctions against the clerical dictatorship ruling Iran?

The question is that if regime’s intention in uranium enrichment is peaceful why had it not built even one refinery of power site during these 30 years using this science?
Why is it that we are witnessing cut in electricity and shortage of drinking water in many of Iran’s cities and villages each day?
Even in Tehran, the capital long hours of cut in electricity and cut in water happen.
Shortage of drinkable water has made residents of Natanz where has become famous in the world because of its nuclear site, desperate.
One of the residents of Natanz said: “we don’t know to what issue the assets of this country are dedicated? But believe it that we don’t have water to drink”.
According to official statistics in Mashad and Hamedan the crisis of drinkable water has made the residents desperate. 90% of Naien villages, 100 villages in Boein Zahra of Qazvin and villages of Qeshm Island have no drinking water.
In Qeshm, villagers have to pay 800 tomans for each cubic meter of drinkable water.

Another question is that why in a country such as Iran that lies on a sea of oil not even one gasoline refinery with international standards has been built but in a country such as Turkey which enjoys no oil reservoir gasoline refinery works as such that it imports gasoline to Iran?

Yes there has been not even one instance that the dictatorship ruling Iran would have used its enriched uranium for peaceful issues for the welfare of its citizens.
Why does it not make it crystal clear for the world for what purpose is it enriching uranium up to 20%?

That is exactly the reason based on which US and EU have issued sanctions against the regime so that it would stop its eagerness for achieving atomic bomb, boasting its military power and to make it to comply with international laws.

Sanctions have targeted the heads of regime and IRGC, the organ which has the economy of Iran under its control and has caused the devastation of domestic productions, agriculture, ranching and other industries of Iran.
IRGC and its subordinates and the heads of the regime have taken control of all the industrial and production factories of the country and have ousted their workers or are exploiting them giving them very little wage.

According to the latest news published in the papers the import of the whole country is in hands of only four persons ‘that we cannot name them but they have caused destruction of the domestic productions’.

Are these four counted amongst ‘people’ so that one can say that the sanctions would harm them or should we call the officials and heads of the Velayat’s establishment and the suppressive IRGC members, great vultures of Iran’s public wealth and economy, as people?

Who are the people of Iran?
People of Iran are those 8 million deprived workers who are not paid by the private section (regime’s elements) and have always not received their wages for 5 to 10 months; people of Iran are one million teachers who have not received their wages and bonuses; people of Iran are those who are retired and have not received their pension and protest against that; people of Iran are the employees who are receiving good for nothing wages and that too not paid to them; people of Iran are  widows who have to take care of three or five children and the only help that government gives them is 25000 tomans; and people of Iran are those who were forced to work as non-official taxi drivers to earn some money for their families and were faced with the price of 400 tomans per liter of gasoline in free market not after the sanctions but before it.

And now that the sanctions are putting pressure on the Supreme Leader, Khamenei and his IRGC those who still have their hands in the pockets of mullahs cry that people are under pressure by these sanctions.
But the pressure derived from sanction of gasoline or any other oil product on people is much better than the daily pressures imposed by IRGC and other suppressive organs and elements of regime on people in streets, factories, universities, schools and prisons.

People of Iran don’t want this regime. It is this regime that has imposed the sanctions on people of Iran by not answering to the international community.

The question is would any sanctions have existed if this religious tyranny did not ruled Iran?
So we must know that the root of all the limitations is the existence of this regime that must be uprooted. Then the people of Iran can breathe in peace and welfare.
Iranians say we don’t want this clerical dictatorship, we request for harder sanction on this clerical regime.
So let’s help each other to throw this regime to the trash can of the history.

Students Committee in Iran (Supporters of PMOI)
Facebook Profile: Sarzamin Pak

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