The Beginning of the End of the Clerical Rule in Iran
Two popular Bazaaris on trial in regime’s kangaroo courts
Tehran, July 21, 2010
Two popular Bazaaris were tried in the Kangaroo court of regime headed by criminal Salavati.
Mr. Javad Lari and Mr. Mohsen Dogmechi who have been kept in Evin for months without having a clear status were tried on Wednesday July 14 in branch 15.
Henchman Salavati didn’t let the families of these two Bazaaris to enter the court.
These Merchants of Bazaar are charged with ‘Moharebe, acting against the security of the Establishment, Propagation against the Establishment, formations of associations and financially helping PMOI’.
Mr. Dogmechi is tried because he had helped the families of political prisoners and because his child is in Ashraf City- Iraq (the place of residence of PMOI members in Iraq).
Mr. Lari and Mr. Dogmechi have been kept for months in solitary cells of ward 209 of Evin Prison under the most vicious physical and psychological tortures to make them confess falsely and to have a TV interview.
They were then transferred to ward 350 of Evin Prison and kept under inhuman conditions with other political prisoners.
Mr. Lari and Mr. Dogmechi are from the political prisoners of 1980 decade in Iran who had spent years in the prison then and have been tortured.
No interviews for taxi drivers
Tehran, July 22, 2010
A taxi agency in Jaihoon Street said that there has been a directive addressing the taxi agencies that they are not allowed to have an interview!
The clerical regime withdraw from its claim about PMOI
Tehran, July 21, 2010
In less than 24 hours the clerical regime had to withdraw from its self-made claim that PMOI members have been transferred to Ghandil Mountains in border of Iran.
To cover this withdrawal Mehr state run news agency quoted a representative of PKK and wrote: “How can Monafeghin who are condemned in Iraqi courts and have to leave Iraq be stationed some where else in Iraq”?
This absurd withdrawal shows that regime’s propagation apparatus has become helpless in regard with POMI.
Khamenei’s organ desperate in regard with PMOI
Tehran, July 21, 2010
For some repeated times Khamenei’s organ, Kayhan Daily complained about the decree of US Court of Appeal against the terrorist label of PMOI and the great gathering of Iranians in Taverni and wrote that to confront regime, US is reaching for help from PMOI.
Kayhan wrote: “... with this we can understand the reason of the delisting of Monafeghin group and the call of France Intelligence for gathering of broke Monafeghs in France on the order of its boss in US...”
The daily wrote: “because US is short of effective options to restrain” the regime “and to exits this lockage it has stretched its hands toward PMOI”.
In another part of its article the daily has warned regime’s defeated fraction not to be in one path with PMOI and warned them that being in one path with PMOI is treason against the clerical Establishment.
Khamenei tried in vein to acquire religious decree for his son Mojtaba
Tehran, July 21, 2010
A site affiliated with the defeated fraction wrote: “last week, Ali Larijani the head of Majlis accompanied with Morteza Moghtadaee the head of the Center of Management of Qom’s Religious Assembly went to Qom to acquire the religious decree of “Ejtehad” for Mojtaba Khamenei”.
The site continued: “Vahid Khorasani didn’t accept the board and other clerics who visited with this board, did not accept to issue the decree.
Note: Ejtehad is a decree that enables a cleric to issue Fatwa for his followers.
Larijani emphasized on regime’s nuclear activities
Tehran, July 21, 2010
Larijani, regime’s head of Majlis once more complained about the global sanctions against the clerical regime and claimed that sanctions does not affect regime’s decision to continue its atomic quest: “the unhealthy foundation of power in international scene has led to misusing of international organs which is damaging for today and the future of human being. A clear example of this misusing is in regard with the issue of nuclear energy and IAEA”.
Larigani attacked Security Council and said: “IAEA and Security Council have started imposing limitations on the countries who seek peaceful nuclear energy; instead they must put limitations for those countries that actually have atomic weapons and weapons of mass destruction”.
He added: “our country is decisive about this issue and nothing, not even sanctions, will not affect our national will for pursuing this goal”.
Resigned MP demanded resignation of the Minister of Interior and regime’s governor
Tehran, July 21, 2010
The resigned MP from Zahedan, Abbas Ali Noora, demanded the resignation of Interior Minister of Ahmadinejad’s cabinet and regime’s governor in Sistan and Baloochestan due to recent events in this city. He complained that regime’s Interior Minister didn’t even show up in the scene to see the situation.
He also attacked Ahmadinejad and said that Ahmadinejad didn’t even send a message of condolences for the killed Bassijis and IRGC members in Zahedan’s blast.
Khamenei ordered the two resigned MPs from Zahedan to repent from their resignation
Tehran, July 21, 2010
Mullah Abotorabifar, Majlis’s deputy announced that the two resigned MPs had taken back their resignations and said: “Mr. Shahriar and Noora took back their resignation after the leader advised them so”.
Elements in the same band with Ahmadinejad complain
Tehran, July 20, 2010
An element of Ahmadinejad’s band, Saeed Habari, a colleague of Esfandiar Rahim Masahie the head of office of Ahmadinejad has been condemned to two years imprisonment and the reason is unclear.
He is in Evin Prison.
The situation of regime’s courts headed by the criminal so-called judge Salavati is such that even this element of Ahmadinejad bands has started complaining in a letter to Jafari Dolatabadi regime’s general prosecutor.
He wrote: “my wife and small child have been trying to see you for months...I was deprived of the right of having a lawyer in the court. I wasn’t permitted to even defend myself. Why? Why did the letter that I wrote as my defense addressing the court was lost...
Why is it that when my car is attacked, I am attacked... then it is me that has to be in prison for two years”?
Science and Industry University students deprived from education
Tehran, July 21, 2010
The clerical regime has issued decree of two months suspension from education for 30 students of Science & Industry University.
One of the students told ISC that this deprivation was because they had held a ceremony for commemoration of Kianoosh Asa a martyr of Iran’s national uprising from this university.
Students of Ardebil summoned to Intelligence Bureau of the city
Ardebil, July 22, 2010
Some of the students of Mohagheh Ardebili and Payame Noor Universities in Ardebil have been summoned to the Intelligence Bureau of the city this week by phone in an illegal manner. They are all threatened that they will be arrested.
After referring to the bureau they have been individually asked about their activities during last year’s election events.
The security interrogators have told them that they must be ready to refer to the bureau any time as soon as they are summoned.
Remembering a martyr of the Uprising
Tehran, July 22, 2010
Shahram Faraji (FarajZadehTarani) is another slain protester who was killed in Valiasr Square on Ashura (December 27, 2010). Security forces went over his body two times with their car. He was a simple and kind man, a respected son and a loving father of a small girl who is now without a father.
Hanging in Ahwaz
Tehran, July 21, 2010
In the morning of July 21, a prisoner with the initials of S.H. has been hanged in Ahwaz.
SSF attack for collecting satellite dishes
Kermanshah, July 21, 2010
For collecting satellite dishes in Bisotoon of Kermanshah, SSF has attacked the residences of this city.
The forces were equipped with tailing equipments that showed satellite signals.
Bisotoon has more than 3000 inhabitants and is located at the skirts of Bisotoon Montain.
IRGC planning of taking over Tehran’s Vahed Bus Driving Company
Tehran, July 22, 2010
A company handled by IRGC is trying to be substituted for Vahed Company since last year.
During last year all the contractors needed for Vahed Company especially in the department of fast BRT buses have been provided by IRGC.
After the vast protest of the workers of Vahed Company last year, IRGC has decided to substitute this company with one affiliated with IRGC.
The management of Terhan’s Bus Driving Syndicate which has been a protesting syndicate against regime and its policies headed by Mr. Mansour Osanlo is being handed over to the IRGC.
The recruiting plans of Vahed Company and its recruiting forms have been all changed.
To put pressure on its workers postponement in payment of wages have become a routine.
A political prisoner is probably murdered
Sanandaj, July 21, 2010
Aziz Mohammad Zadeh a 26 years old political prisoner from Baneh charged with ‘Moharebe and acting against national security (read regime’s security)’ was condemned to execution in a court in Saghez city.
Aziz was arrested last Fall and transferred to Saghez prison after being tortured for three months in the detention center of Baneh.
At the end of the Fall he was transferred to the Intelligence Bureau of Sanandaj.
The agents of the bureau pretend that they had freed him but he has been under the most sever torture there till a few months ago and since then there is no news of him and he has not been seen ever since.
Measures againt Gonabadi Dervishes are organized
Tehran, July 21, 2010
In a letter posted in the site of Dervishes of Gonabadi is written: “state’s measures against Dervishes are organized and commanded by one organ. It is not accepted to say that the heads of the state are unaware of these measures”.
In this letter it is said about demolishing Dervishes mosques in Qom, Broojerd and Isfahan, preventing their ceremonies in different cities, preventing the trip of their leader to his birth city, ousting Dervishes from bureaus and cultural centers, beating them, condemning them to imprisonment, lashing them, exiling them and invalidating their permit for executing law as lawyers.
The clerical regime has increased pressure on political prisoners in Evin and Gohardasht
Tehran, July 21, 2010
ISC reports from Evin Prison that the hygienic conditions of the prisoners are in a deplorable situation at the hot weather of the season.
There is no cooling equipment and the heat has caused the spread of diseases including spread of louse amongst female prisoners.
The water is warm and there is no cold water at hand. The water is cut daily in the ward. Toilets and bathrooms are out of order.
In Gohardasht Prison prisoners are facing lost of problems including cut in their communication with the outside world. They cannot call outside. The prisoners had protested such suppressive measure.
Jailed dissident cleric in critical condition
Tehran- July 21, 2010
The physical health of Ayatollah Hossein Kazemini Borujerdi is very poor and he is enduring severe hardships in Evin Prison.
In light of his serious eye and leg problems, prison officials prevent him from receiving medical attention.
According to his family, he is near blindness and cannot keep his balance. His legs are also near paralysis.
Ayatollah Borujerdi is a dissident cleric who was arrested in 2006 and was sentenced to 11 years of prison and the confiscation of his property.
Political prisoner suffering from numerous illnesses denied treatment
Tehran- July 21, 2010
According to reports, the physical condition of political prisoner Ali Moezi, 57, is deteriorating but he is deprived of serious treatment.
On July 19 after he went to the Gohardasht Prison infirmary, he was denied a visit with the general practitioner under the excuse that the specialist doctor was away on vacation and despite his severe pain and Hematuria, Shabani, a prison guard, forcefully returned him to his cell. This is while because of the crowdedness of the prison, prisoners have to wait up to 3 months to be visited in the infirmary.
Moezi has a history of kidney diseases such as nephritis, kidney stones and kidney cysts and small intestine diseases and varicose veins which are all symptoms of his time in prison in the 80’s. He has received numerous surgeries for his conditions.
Ali Moezi suffered a severe kidney infection last July but was prevented from being hospitalized in the Labafi Nejad Hospital in Tehran. He was taken back to prison in that condition.
This political prisoner has been denied in person visits and getting possessions from his family for a year now.
Moezi was arrested on November 11, 2008 by agents of the Ministry of Intelligence under the command of Reza Arefian who is a head interrogator at the Intelligence agency and was transferred to a solitary cell in Gohardasht Prison. He was detained in the Sepah cellblock in this prison for seven months and Mohebi, another interrogator had the responsibility of interrogating and mentally and physically torturing him. Moezi is currently in cellblock 4 in this prison.
This political prisoner was arrested in the 80’s and was detained in the Ghezel Hesar Prison from 1981 to 1984. He suffered many injuries as a result of the physical and mental torture and still suffers from the aftermath.
Iran arrests writer for criticizing religion
Tehran- July 21, 2010
Hojatollah Nikuyi, a writer and translator was arrested on Sunday by plainclothes agents in Tehran and was taken to an unknown location.
This writer had been fired from his job in the past for his debate with religious scholars.
One of his friends said that this illegal arrest was because of the recent publication of an article in websites in which he had criticized some religious concepts.
Notably, Nikuyi was fired from work and was later jailed for his opposition to Shiite Islam. He was later released after signing a written pledge.
Dissident doctor sentenced to 3 years of prison and a 3 year ban on practicing medicine
Tehran- July 20, 2010
According to reports, Dr. Ali Asghar Jamali was sentenced to 3 years of prison by the 2nd branch of the Qazvin Revolutionary Court.
He was charged with ‘insulting the leader and spreading propaganda against the government’. He was also banned from practicing medicine in his private clinic. This sentence can be appealed within 20 days.
Dr. Jamali was arrested last July and after two months of detention in the Qazvin Intelligence Detention Center was temporarily released on a 160 million toman (about 160,000 dollar) bail.
Tehran- July 21, 2010
The physical condition of Rozita Vaseqi, jailed Baha’i resident in the Vakil Abad Prison in Mashhad has been reported as critical according to a recent visit with her family.
She has been in solitary for the last 125 days and in this time has become thin and weak which has led to a low blood pressure and severe pain in the soles of her feet and hands.
She has trouble moving her hands and feet and suffers from severe pain. This is while Intelligence authorities have said regarding her condition that Vaseqi is not willing to cooperate and until she does, her condition will not change.
Notably, her family were asked to pay a 50 million toman (about 50,000 dollar) bail on June 27 for her release but no measures have been taken for her release and officials seeing to her case do not give her family clear answers.
Students summoned to Tehran University Disciplinary Committee, three students expelled for peaceful protests
Tehran- July 21, 2010
A large number of Tehran University students have been summoned to the Disciplinary Committee from the beginning of Tir (Persian month from June 22 – July 22).
Because of the half closed state of universities, exact numbers of the summonses are not available but a student said that more than 50 students have been summoned after protests on May 1, June 12 and June 14.
Notably, three students have so far been expelled from this university according to initial sentences issued by the Disciplinary Committee. Students have also been told that films and pictures were taken (showing their participation in protests).
Workers of Iran
Wokers in protest
Tehran, July 20, 2010
Workers of regime’s Cultural Inheritance and Tourist Organization protested against their unnoticed transfer to Shiarz in front of regime’s Majlis.
News on Iran’s economy
The Margin-Settlers
Kerman, July 21, 2010
Irregular immigration of villagers to the large cities due to draught in their villages is a phenomena that is seen a lot in Iran in recent years.
One of the cities having this problem is Kerman.
After the two devastating earthquakes in Bam and Zarand and the draught in the villages about 50000 people have immigrated to Kerman residing in one-night-build homes at the suburbs of the city.
Fraudulent land owners sell these poor people lands with no legal bases giving them documents that cannot be legally proved.
These one-night-made townships do not enjoy the least necessities of live such as water and electricity and are turning to a cultural, social and security problem in large cities of Iran.
The population of such townships around Kerman has been 15000 in 2002 and has increased to 50000 in 2010 due to the anti-people policies of regime.
Other News
Drinking Tehran’s water is prohibited for children and pregnant women
Tehran, July 21, 2010
Negligence of Ahmadinejad’s government about the health and safety of Tehran’s residents has led to increase in the amount of Nitrate in drinking water of Tehran.
As the result drinking Tehran’s water is prohibited for children and pregnant women.
Marzieh Vahid Dastjerdi Minister of Hygiene in Ahmadinejad’s government said: “Tehran’s water is not drinkable for infants and pregnant women”.
Some other sources have said that if the situation continues Tehran’s water will not be drinkable for anybody in a few months.
Cut in electricity in Tehran
Tehran, July 22, 2010
Electricity is cut several times in Tehran raising discontent especially amongst food stores because their goods rot.
Students Committee in Iran (Supporters of PMOI)
Facebook Profile: Sarzamin Pak
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