Tehran- Feb.13, 2011
In fear that any popular demonstration might turn into an uprising the clerical dictatorship did not grant permission for a demonstration to support people of Egypt and Tunisia.
While supportive groups of the government are free to have gatherings any time they want under the protection of SSF and without requesting any permission, the Ministry of State called the march in support of people of Egypt and Tunisia as illegal and a hypocritical act.
Fars News agency affiliated with IRGC said that after a week, Alikhanei Sadr the deputy of Ministry of State said that this request was illegal and there will be no permission granted.
Regime’s intimidations to prevent protest demonstrations on Feb. 14
Feb.13, 2011
The following is the SMS regime sends on cell phones to provoke atmosphere of fear and horror in the society on the eve of Feb. 14:
“Honorable citizen by information received you are under the influence of anti-security propagation of media affiliated with foreigners. If you contact the media outside the country you are counted as criminal under the articles 498,499,500,508,514,609,610 and 698 of the law of Islamic Punishment and you will be confronted by law.”
Events in regard with the potential protest demonstrations on Feb.14
Feb.13, 2011
Tehran- A SSF said that anti-riot units are ordered to confront those who want to tape them. In That regard the owners of some cell-phones were arrested by Plainclothes and transferred in a van with dark glasses.
Tehran- using motorbikes is prohibited in sensitive regions of Tehran
Tehran- Feb. 13-During the last three days security atmosphere has highly increased in regions of Tehran; one of these regions is Tehran Pars region.
Despite this atmosphere cry of Allah O Akbar is heard at nights in the region.
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