Covering its defeat regime announced that Bazzar is closed on Thursday
Tehran, July 8, 2010
To show that the closure of Bazaar on Thursday is normal regime announced in its TV channels that Bazaar is closed because it is the anniversary of the martyrdom of the seventh Imam of Shiites. It claimed that the black piece of cloth above the main entrance of Shoemakers Bazaar is the sign!
Never in Iran has this day been an official holiday so that Bazaar would close because of that.
IRGC’s corps reports about Bazaar’s strike
Tehran, July 8, 2010
The center of control of Mohammad Corps which is responsible for popular uprisings in Tehran gave its report to the IRGC’s Command and the commander of Sarallah Base. The report shows the situation until July 7 at 1530.
The guilds and sections closed today in Bazaar were:
1-Tea, food, biscuits and chocolate guilds closed since 10 am today.
2-Tea Bazaar of Abbas Abad, Kiloees Bazaar, Hamam Chai Bazaar and Mecgarha Bazaar were closed.
3-Carpet and fabric bazaars were totally closed.
4-Gold, outfit and Noroozkhan bazaars were shut.
5-From the whole Bazaar only some minor sellers in Gold Bazaar were slightly active.
6-On Wednesday morning there was a session in which security forces and the officials demanded Bazaaries to resume activity but they didn’t accept.
7-The merchants demanded that the taxes go back to their former amount.
As the note it is written in the report:
In this manner Bazaar will be closed till Sunday because Saturday is the birthday of prophet Mohammad and thus it is closed.
Iran Students Committee (Supporters of PMOI)
Profile: Sarzamin Pak
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