May 21, 2010

Mr. Ali Saremi one of the six political prisoners, supporters of PMOI in death row

Ali Saremi strikes back

Tehran, May 19, 2010
Mr. Ali Saremi one of the six political prisoners, supporters of PMOI in death row rules out the groundless words of Jafari Dolatabadi, Tehran’s Prosecutor:
“In the name of God
Amongst people there are those who have lost their lives to meet the promises they made to God and their people and there are some others who are awaiting it (Qoran) and I am amongst those waiting.
Every right that is violated will lead to a resistance and the inferior oppressors have no other way than to suppress.
Dear compatriots,
In an interview with a magazine called ‘Panjereh’, which was published in Kayhan on May 16, 2010 Dolatabadi, Tehran’s prosecutor said that I was charged with having connection with PMOI and he said that I was arrested on September 2009 after the election events.
I was arrested on Sep.4 of 2007 two years before the election because I was present at Khavaran Cemetery to honor those who were executed in the massacre of political prisoners in 1988 and before that because I had visited my son in Ashraf City on 2005 I was in prison for a year.
Is going to cemetery, being a supporter of an organization or a father’s visit of his son ‘Moharebe’ in your opinion and it deserves execution?
The words of Tehran’s prosecutor are so groundless than it needs no explanation. The charge is so groundless that they didn’t even notify my lawyer. They sent the decree without me or my lawyer signing it to the kangaroo revision court and approved it.
Never the less I cry loud that they cannot frighten me or my compatriots by my hanging or my execution; I have frightened them so much that they have no other way than executing me.
The only reason for them to issue such decrees is that they are so frightened of their unstable condition. The decrees are not based on justice.
As a father whose children such as Farzad, Ali, Farhad, Shirin and Mehdi have been just hanged and thousands other of his children have been hanged before what can one anticipate from me except that I should cry loud as an Iranian who believes in God and Freedom that:
If you burn my body
And you sew it with bullets
Where and when can you take the love of my homeland out of my heart?
If I wasn’t able to meet my duty in regard with my God, nation and homeland during the 23 years that I have been in prison maybe my execution will be effective in awakening my people.
Addressing my people and my homeland I cry loud again:
In your path what is worth our lives
Long live the land of Iran
Political prisoner Ali Saremi”

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