Oct. 11, 2010
Salehi, head of Nuclear power organization, expressed his worry about the exposure of secret information and said: in past people used to reach news very easily but this is not possible anymore. It is not necessary for every people to know about everything. In past western countries used to attract Iranian specialists by suggesting education and better occupations outside Iran. Now the nuclear engineers of Iran have good residence and better education for their children.
Because of schism inside the regime, high ranks of the regime are afraid of even small exposure of news and information on nuclear power and they are looking for elements who try to pass news to others.
Oct. 10, 2010
Despite pressures and treats of Mullahs regime, strike of gold sellers continued on Saturday in Tehran, Shiraz, Hamedan, Babol, Ardebil and Orumiyeh.
Gold sellers of Babol joined the strike from Wednesday.
Strike of gold sellers in Hamedan continues.
Gold Bazaar of Shiraz was closed on Saturday.
Gold Bazaar of Ardebil and Orumiyeh was in complete strike on Saturday.
According to reports, on Saturday, the first deputy of Ahmadinejad went to Bazaar and asked gold sellers to reopen their shops but they didn’t agree. Iron Bazaar and fabric sellers also joined the strike in Tehran Bazaar.
Oct. 10, 2010
The slogan which is written by aggressive youths in all over Isfahan is 4th of November comes, it is the end of khamenei’s life. It attracts the attention of people passing by. Another example, on a tree this slogan was written: Dictator be ready, 4th of November and 7th of December is coming
Slogan writings against the Mullah’s regime in Isfahan have increased by the start of October.
According to reports, students in Isfahan have welcomed 4th of November and 7th of December.
Oct. 10, 2010
Minister of Economy in Mullah’s regime, attacked the international bank for refusing to give loans and said: International bank has prevented giving proved loans, but they get its profit from Iran.
Oct. 10, 2010
Khorasan newspaper gave the news of expulsion of Ali Asghar Soltaniyeh, regime’s representative in international atomic energy agency and announced that Reza Najafi was replaced.
This newspaper wrote: Salehi, the head of nuclear power organization said: Najafi was replaced instead of Soltaniyeh , it may take time for his replacement. He added: najafi has worked for 20 years in this field and he is a right person for this position.
Privatizing universities another step in destroying higher education in Iran
Oct. 11, 2010
The Incorporation Commission of the Iranian Parliament in charge of privatizing universities and giving them to regime officials who are known for plundering the country’s assets ratified the Fifth Program Bill and therefore another step in destroying higher education in Iran was taken.
This bill says on privatizing universities: “The government will be allowed to use various methods including surrendering education and research units to the non government sector or autonomously running these units and getting all or part of the expenses paid by students in cash or in installments to better run the country’s higher education system”.
It is clear that this measure which is against the benefits of the Iranian people is an excuse to hand over universities to regime officials or institutions like the Revolutionary Guards Corps under the name of privatization which will have very bad consequences including the fact that financially deprived students will find it harder to go to university. Also universities will turn into non credible institutions used for the trade of forging degrees.
Oct. 11, 2010
Rezayi, the former head of the Revolutionary Guards Corps called Ahmadinejad a demagogue and backward thinker and said, “It is better that statesmen stay away from making decisions individually and self-centeredness, for if this is carried out knowingly, it is demagoguery and if done without knowing, it is a mental backwardness”.
He cited a small part of the Iranian regime’s shameful report card and said, “With the existence of more than 8 million criminal files in the judiciary, thousands of accidents that take place because automobiles made in Iran are not standard, not taking seriously the issue of health and not encouraging the culture of exercise in the county, financial problems like unemployment and high prices all show that statesmen are not in tuned with the expectations of the people in their planning”.
“Unfortunately today a group has blocked the path of the revolution under the name of supporting the Islamic Republic and another group is leaving the path of the revolution under the name of supporting freedom. They should know … one should not stop in the path of the Islamic Revolution and one should also not exit this path”, he added.
Iran Students Committee (Supporter of PMOI)
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